Saturday, May 24, 2014

my guys' busy day...

the guys cleaned out the shed first thing this morning...
after and up and down all night, trying to see a meteor shower that didn't happen...
then we worked in the veggie garden...
came around and started on the deck, moving the grill off of it...
and sliding a couple of things around up here...
sweeping off the helicopters (again)...

I had DH bring one of the fence sections around and we are now using it to keep Charlie safe on the deck...
it will slide to open...

he really likes it out here...
we are going to have so much fun out here this summer...

he can see what's going on in the yard...

there was a lot of puttering around outside and I, for one, got my nap in...
and then the cooking began this evening...
after a slight delay when the mower guy showed up...

and we ate on the deck...
nothing fancy...

we had to do the cooking out today...
Craig's only day off this weekend...

and that's what was left...
plenty for lunch tomorrow...

then we went for a walk and sat in the yard...
spider wart opened today...

I got this last year...

Lester taking after Craig...

look what someone found in the shed...

and around noon, Craig ran out to the green house just out of town here...
and brought me back a couple of columbine...

I need to find places for them tomorrow...
I have had a couple of not so good days...
just super low on my energy...
so hoping tomorrow is better and I can do something, too...

hope y'all are having a fun and safe weekend...


  1. I hope you are feeling better soon, Tete! Charlie looks like he's made himself right at home. That makes me so happy to know:) I saw a paw shaped bumper sticker the other day, it said "Who rescued who?" Love that! Your columbine are just gorgeous!

  2. Tete, Got your fellows to help out. They were ready for food and rest . Charlie seemed at peace. Hope all of you watch the meteor shower on the news...I kept looking for it too...bummer. I love to watch those things.Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  3. That hammock looks so comfy! Yummo BBQ is always delicious on a spring evening. Charlie looks like he is settling into his new home!

  4. I do believe that Charlie has settled in nicely, and now feels at home, probably for the first time ever
    Dinner looks good, and hope you are feeling better today.

  5. If I had your deck I would never leave! With that bed, glider and I would want to eat every meal at there to. What a way to take in the sights and sounds of the day!

  6. Now this looks like a relaxing weekend. Charlie fits right in with the rest of the family, that's for sure!
    Did you take your nap out on the deck? It looks like the perfect spot to me. I like the way you decorated the little corner with the bird cage, and other pieces.
    LOVE your columbines!!
    Getting lots done outside here...finally.
    Love to you.

  7. Hi Tete, I have been looking through your recent posts and I think your garden is looking fantastic! You have roses blooming already! Your red columbine is really pretty. That Craig is a keeper. Love seeing and hearing about Charlie. He's a doll!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!