Monday, May 26, 2014

some major breakthroughs happened this weekend...

but first, this morning on the deck...

everyone in our family enjoys our time out here...

a quick trip to the island to fill the bird feeders and I found these open...

and the iris are about half done...

then onto fun things...

put this one in a hanging basket and the other on an ice cream chair by the steps...

then onto smelling more roses...

DH got these dusted today to take care of the critters that's been chomping on them...

the back of the island...

and the bean field behind us...
DH found a carcass out here while dumping our garden wastes..
it was a opossum, about  half grown...
coyotes- they don't leave much behind...  

and this is where I spent a lot of time this morning...
weeding and picking those crazy helicopters out of everything...
and I planted some snap dragons and marigolds along the edge of where Bebe lies...

Craig planted the wheel barrow...
then we watered that side of the yard before coming in...
we did do some trimming, weed eating and raking, too...
we watered the front and the other side before we started working on this side...

then I came in and made pizza for lunch...
Charlie and I took a nap and Craig had to be at work at 3...
I got up just before that...

and our breakthroughs this weekend were...
chomp the frog and shake him...
he plays!

and this is his...
'Mommy, can we go outside again? face...'
he really likes it out there...
he loves everyone except for Craig...
he growls at him any time he comes near...
Craig has to beat my back when I spasm to work the muscles lose...
I think Charlie thinks he is hurting me...
he will figure it out soon, though...

spent some time today thanking all those who live on the other side...
vets and family who have made the crossing...
remembering those no longer with us...

hope you had a good day...
too bad the guys have to work and we can't spend every day together...
but that might not be a good idea, either...
someone could end up running away from home...


  1. Tete, Charlie looks much better. I love your deck too. I could just imagine all your critters and you napping out there. Hope tomorrow's another good day. xoxo,Susie

  2. I am so happy to hear that Charlie is playing! Just look at that adorable face, he looks like a little teddy bear! So sweet! Hope you had a nice holiday weekend!

  3. Tete,
    Your yard is HUGE!
    I love how beautifully landscaped it is. What a great idea to plant on a wheel barrel..
    Loving Charlies sweet face!!

  4. Charlie doesn't look like the same dog, he looks relaxed and happy, and loving his new home.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!