Sunday, June 22, 2014

experiencing technical difficulties...

I am having problems downloading my images from my camera to the computer...
had to get tech support Friday night for the Norton Virus Protection that we run on all our puters...
and finally got it downloaded and working again...

and now the crazy part that downloads my images won't run...
went in and reinstalled all my disks...
(and a really cool editor that I thought that I had lost)
hence all the images today...
(I have been playing a bit)

went into Norton for tech help again and there were 54 in the queue...
so that means you have to wait FOREVER!
will work on it later, maybe even in the middle of the night so I can get in and out quickly...

in the meantime...
here is something to look at...
as I tell you about our day...
without images...
I know, boring, right?
I will post them as soon as I can get them out of my camera!

anyway, got up way too early...
like 1am...
bright eyed and bushy tailed...
did laundry and cleaned the kitchen...
played on the computer and read...
mower guy shows up and I am snoring away...
( I really don't snore, honest)
but the dog is jumping on me barking up a storm...
hobble out on the deck and had him the money over the rail...
without caffeine...but I did pee first...
(good thing)
as soon as I got woke up, Craig, Tia and I hit the side yard...
DH hit the burn pile...
we did some good out there...
came in for lunch at noon...
ate really good and all that...
back out for a bit and coming back in, I killed my knee walking through the threshold of the front door...
so dumb...
iced is down and praying its ok...
(it really freakin' hurt!)
been looking for disks and installing stuff ever since...
did get a shower in there, too...
cuz I had a buddy crawling all over my back and couldn't get it squished with the bedroom door facing...
(now there's a sight)
the guys are napping...
Tia went home, she has to work this evening...
and I am still wide awake...
neighbor called and wanted to know if I wanted any pots...
she is getting rid of a bunch...
going down in a bit and see what's in the pile...
we are having hot days...
but the mornings and evenings are bearable...
hope you are able to get out and enjoy some of this sunshine...
and the summer keeps speeding along...
got plans for the 4th??? 
we are watching fireworks right here in our very own little town!
they used to do them at the golf course every year about 30 years ago...
and then they quit...
some but hard working and crafty citizens came up with a plan...
mostly the local volunteer firemen!
to get them going again...
and want to add to the activities as the years go on...
like a little festival...
we use to have several throughout the years, but not anymore...
so, a very good thing for us!
I have bored you long enough...
off you go to more important things...
thanks for stopping by and bless your heart double if you leave this old lady a comment...
(NanaDiana- that means a nice comment, too)


  1. Tete, You are the computer whizz kid ...I am doomed. If you have problems you know I am lost. You aren't the only one having troubles. Glad you got it all fixed. I have thought about doing chores when I wake up or going outside...but I never do. LOL. Blessings for a brand new week of fun . xoxo,Susie

  2. I hope you get your problems ironed out soon, Tete! I still am having Blogger troubles, I don't think Blogger is ever going to fix them!!
    Love your photos, they are so pretty and so cool, too!

  3. Don't know of any plans on the 4th, yet. They have hot dogs and fireworks over on the river, but we've never gone, I don't like crowds and neither does Jerry.

  4. i wrote about your "clobbering" yourself.

    then decided it did not fit into the category of what you wanted... nice comments.

    so, i wiped it out.

    just saying, be careful there. please...

    and best of luck with the technical difficulties. !!!!!

  5. Yes I saw where Oakland was going to do fireworks again! wonderful!
    Plans on the well maybe, we usually go to the twins big party but this year they are in Canada. But my new great niece is here visiting from Alaska so maybe Mr family get together. Hope your knee is better!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!