Monday, June 23, 2014

getting my groove on...

baby robin on the lounger...
got the camera to download after a restore on the computer...
and then back to Norton tech support to download my antivirus...
and we are up and running full steam...

so here are fence sections we did put up last week...
need to repaint the loungers and get new cushions!
they are getting nasty...
waiting on clearance sales...

working on keeping things weed free...
which has not been easy lately with all the rainy days and humid temps...

working on getting this thinned out...
have the day lilies to go...
waiting on them to bloom and finish their cycle first...

bean greens are in the making!

I really pulled a lot out of here yesterday...
and took all the bricks out and did it again...

there is always a photo bomber around here...


I had someone give me a ton of pots yesterday...
we got those sorted this morning and the rest I have posted on facebook to give away to whoever wants them...

rose of sharon is making blooms...

tomatoes are so tall already...

its has really grown in the last couple of weeks...

I had this brick crack a corner off...
coming up in the crack is a purple plant...
and there was a maple tree in there, too...
pulled the maple and waiting see what this will become...

it really looks and feels like summer here now...

got the roses dead headed this morning...

keeping an eye on my viney friend...
they will take over everything if not kept in line...

we also did this with the bird bath...
hoping it cannot be tipped anymore...

the hydrangea are blooming very well this year...

thriving in the hot, humid sticky icky stuff out there...

they are right outside the kitchen windows...

and mom's ferns...
not one Japanese beetle...

and I did this up yesterday, too...
with DH's help, or course...

he only rolled his eyes a couple of times...

he's getting pretty good at it, too...
he did get a hair cut yesterday and I plucked the wild horned eyebrows from him...
you should have heard him complaining as I pulled each one of them!

put my little petunia pots on top of the half ladders...

its nice to have everything working again...
have a very fun and blessed day!


  1. Glad it is working, so frustrating when technology to make our lives easier does not work! Always love your garden tours

  2. I enjoyed my visit here today, looks like kitty wants a drink,

  3. Tete, Everything is beautiful at your house. That cat looks like he wants to jump into that chair. I love those lilies.....they are such a pretty color. I know what you mean about weeds. my gosh I wish they were worth something. LOL. Blessings, xoxo,Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!