Friday, June 20, 2014

I danced in the rain today...

posting this in an edit as a warning before you read any further:
do not click on any links in this post.
I did NOT put them there.
Blogger is corrupt and it is a virus if you click on it.
Watch your blogs and others.  
The links are always in green and double underlined.
It doesn't do it every time and I have edited this post over and over.
It will be fine and then the next time I check it, they are there.
went out this morning, got a tad of rain through the night...

so we didn't have to water, thinking more might come this afternoon...

so we did a little rearranging with the fence sections...

took a walk, too...

dead headed a few things...

they have been spraying bad ties...

so will be replacing them this summer...
fun to watch how they do it...

mulberries are good bird feed...
and yes, they are pooping purple all over the place...

blooms on the green beans...

and they are purple!
my favorite color...
or is it colour???

came in for lunch and started on my bedroom and bath...
heard thunder...
and my boy, who has some fun ideas sometimes...
thought it would be nice to watch the rain come in...

so we stopped and went out on the deck...
it was just a bare sprinkling going on...
so I did what any normal person would do...

I sat on the steps in the rain...
and it was nice, so I walked around and twirled around...
while my poor son thought his mom had lost her mind...

note to self...
white, thin tank tops become transparent when wet...
I have on my 'tutti frutti' bra this morning...
multi colored pinstripe...
good thing the neighbors can't see in the yard is all I am saying about that...
cuz I got drenched...

the storm has passed now, after we came in and finished what we started...
Craiger wanted a day to cook...
what's up with that?
so he is cooking...
chicken noodles, mashed potatoes, dressing...
the works...

just a glimpse of what we worked on this morning...
have plans on moving some plants around here, too, this weekend...
got DH to myself tomorrow, but both guys will be here Sunday...

I so cannot believe it is Friday...
or that they haven't got the truck fixed yet...

got the pathology report back on my lumpy boob and it was negative...
trying not to flare today...
it keeps trying and I ward it off...
just resting here a bit, blogging and listening to Matchbox 20...
love, love, love...
'If You're Gone'
so, off with you now...
and do something fun...
and if you get the chance to dance in the rain...
I highly recommend it...
just wear something darker than your bra...


  1. Tete, You made me laugh about dancing in the rain and your tutti fruitti bra. LOL. I will say your plants, flowers and veggies are looking so good. Your son wants to cook, well that's good. Hope they can fix the truck soon. Hate that people have car/truck problems....but we can't all drive new stuff around. Our vehicles are over 10 years old. Thank care and enjoy the weekend, xoxo,Susie

  2. That is exactly as I picture you.....dancing in the rain in a tutti fruity bra....:) Sounds like it describes you perfectly! That's why you can make so many people smile...:)))))) you know what's important in life!!

  3. rogue links...

    green, double underlined...

    thankfully, i don't see any, in your post here.

    might you do a post on this? tell us more. tell us where to go, to find out. please.

    or i suppose, just do a search.

    -sigh- one more thing to worry about.



Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!