Sunday, July 20, 2014

another morning of wonderful yard work...

a friend sent these home with DH for me on Friday...
different than what I have...

so they went behind the island...
I tried planting last night, but it was so dry and hard as concrete...
so DH and watered and went back out this morning...

Craig talked more than he worked...

but got that done...

and he was still talking...

so I got some photos...

from the bird seed...

I was just waiting on him to wind down so we could move onto the next project...

digging day lilies for the friend who gave me the iris...

Craig dug them up and I cleaned them and trimmed them down...
got this bucket full by the time we got done...
and you can't even tell there are any missing!

and then we went onto the green beans...
it was picking time again, but there were only a handful of blooms...

so we pulled the plants as we picked...

the rose of sharon is in bloom!

I do want to get some more of these...

maybe try to get a start off of them...

or check the clearance sales...

we do the gardening as a family, most of the time...
and DH got the burn piled burnt this morning while we planted the iris...

the tomatoes are almost as tall as the fence...

we got a good mess again, but this is it...
got them cleaned and on now...

and the garden it raked and cleaned up, too...

DH and I did a mini store run after we had lunch...

and have just been goofing off since...

but I am seriously thinking that this girl needs a nap...

someone else has the same idea...

I knew there was a reason we get along so well...
we are so much alike...

I was up until after 4am this morning with a migraine...
but it finally went away and I am having a good day today...
hope yours was a good one, too...

thank you for all the prayers and nice words for Trevor and his family...
praying for those still on the waiting lists...
the man who gave me the iris was a special friend of his...
that's how I found out about him...
he was always asking for prayers about him...
could you imagine making that trip home from Nebraska to Ohio without your son?
could you imagine never being able to eat a thing your whole life, living on a feeding tube?
kind of puts all of our petty little problems into perspective, doesn't it?
the cross I have to bear isn't so big at all...
how about yours?


  1. Tete, When I think I have woes and pains ...I truly know that I am blessed...nothing I go through compares to the burden that others carry. I am Blessed. I pray for all those who need a prayer right this minute.
    I love that you and your fellows work together to make your place so pretty. Many hands make light work. :):) Blessings for a wonderful new week ahead. xoxo,Susie

  2. Everyone's cross is different, but some really have a lot bigger load than I have.
    Love your garden. My cannas are putting on a show right now,

  3. I have lots of unusual iris in my garden.. I pulled up lots and hopefully can transplant them in a new area.. I wish you were close..I would give you some...Yes, I think it does not take a far look to find others who are in much more need than we are....So many struggling with such sickness and need.. One more reason to be very thankful...I did not get to plant a garden this year...I have several folks who have shared some veggies with me.. I am hoping to get enough green beans to at least do 12 quarts..Have a great day and a nap sounds really good... Enjoy! Blessings!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!