Saturday, July 19, 2014

Donate Life...and tell them Trevor sent you...

Donate Life:   
this is what a brave little boy's mom posted on facebook...

'Donate Life my son Trevor Dizzy Coleman was born June 13 1997 he was born with Hirschprungs disease ( no cells in intestine to a absorb) and he had almost all of his intestine removed when he was a week old . After that he could only handle TPN ( IV nutrition) that stuff made my sons liver go bad . When he was one year old his liver started failing fast he needed a transplant right away , only a few places did offer intestinal transplants so April 8th 1999 Trev received his first liver , intestine transplant . It saved his life !!! :*) he was very sick after that and spent 6 months in ICU ! The road was long and rough but I'm so thankful that another parent chose the gift of life so my son could live ! I'm eternally greatful !!! My son and so many others live because of this gift of life ! Donate life '

'Donate Life ,,,, back in 2009 Trev got chickenpox his body responded badly to it , it caused an immune response and his intestine fused together . He started vomiting and not feeling well we had to fly back to Nebraska and they told me he was going to need another transplant . Being on TPN also made his liver fail again . We got here in June and he did not receive his 2nd transplant till September 23 and he only had weeks left to live ...... Some kids never receive there organs believe me u don't need them when u die ! I've seen to many that don't make it because the organs never come Donate Life !!'

Trevor flew from Columbus to the Nebraska Medical Center on March 22nd and had been there since trying to fight the rejection of his donated organs.
Nebraska is where he got his transplants.

Today, Trevor met Jesus in person...

prayers for his family, friends and caretakers...
and the medical staff at both hospitals...
and remember to...
Donate Life
it gave this family 17 years him...
17 years they would not have had without the transplants...


  1. oh my, so sad, what a wonderful message,

  2. Prayers for the family, I have a friend who is waiting for a liver, and intestine transplant in Nebraska, his name is Jimmy, so please pray for him too.

  3. tete, That is a heart breaking story, but shows how those transplants truly work. It's amazing. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  4. Wow, powerful story and reminds us how donating organs can save lives.

  5. We are donors as we also know how life saving a donation can be. God bless this little angel and his family.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!