Monday, July 14, 2014

catching up...

my guys picking green beans on Saturday evening...

we had to all help, the sun was going down fast...
because around here...
green beans are serious business...
and we heard we could get 5-8 inches of rain...
thankfully, that didn't happen....

and my guy Sunday morning...
and it was hot and humid, but he need protection from the bush...
he was going in...

he is inside the bush cutting out a walnut that was heading for our power lines...

and there's part of it...
the rest of it was loaded onto the truck and taken to the city dump...

Charlie was concerned about his dad...

Hermie was concerned about Charlie...

the walnut grew up in the center of the bush, and then the bush grew around it...
we cannot get the root ball out at all without hurting the bush...
weirdest thing I have ever seen...

DH also cut some branches back from the tree next to it...
just to make sure nothing grows up into the power lines...

as Hermie kept Charlie from doing anything stupid...
you know how pups can be...

and then today...

it was a bit cooler, so Charlie and I headed out...
and I thought what a nice afternoon to read out here...
went back in and grabbed a book and my glasses...
and somewhere between the kitchen and the living room...
the wind picked up...
that quick...
it was blowing Charlie backwards...

and it started sprinkling...

and the wind blew some more...

and I never did get that book opened out there...

and then the skies really opened up...
and it literally dropped 20 degrees in about 15 minutes...
we were about 80 and then it was 61...
but after the rain, it went back up to the lower 70s...

so this is where the reading happened...
after I put my sweater on...

I did get this photo of Charlie after we came in...
it was really dark in here and I will try again on a sunny day...

I guess we are going to have a cool week now...
and I called my doctor and have a 9am on Friday to just check in and bring him up to date on me...
and to welcome him back...

just a quick comment here...
I have noticed that not too many are posting anymore...
or not very often...
I do miss everyone, but hope you are having a good summer...
and are just too busy having fun to blog...


  1. Well i didnt exactly grab a book to read outside, instead i did one of my favorite things , i sat out in the rain. My goodness was it fun and better than any pool or bath lol :)-i alwYs love your pictures girl they are always so pretty! :)

  2. Tete, I know that feeling of grabbing abook to enjoy outdoors...Then some thing or someone changing your plans. Yesterday after being with my classmates...I wanted to sit outside to enjoy the sweet afternoon before our rains came...but sat by the phone hoping the drs. office would call with my luck. I am getting a bit put out by their lack of concern. I would do the darn tests myself if I could. So I have to call again this morning. You would think the new dr. would want to be johnny on the spot. Guess not. Hope you are going to have some fun outdoor time today. It's only going to be around 60 here today and that is at noon. Cool like this for few days.Yippee. xoxo,Susie

  3. Our weather did the same thing, went from hot to windy and rain to beautiful! I just got back from a walk and there is a nice cool breeze, very unusual for July in the ozarks. Last year it was so hot and all the greenery was burning up. We got our garden planted late this year because of my surgery. The tomatoes are starting to come on but are small. Have a wonderful day and I hope you get to read that book out on your sleeping porch!

  4. dh is so smart to have that "thing" with which he can cut branches, which are high up!!!!! we need one of those!

    yes, summer time is slow time in "pretty blog land"... gals are out side more and it's easier for them to be busy, doing many things, out side.

    but _some_ of us, bravely carry on!!!! ,-))))

    soon, the heat/humidity will drive people back inside. and they will take refuge in "pretty blog land" again. and start the complaining about "the hot/humid" weather. -grin-

    all of life.... cyclical... -smile-

    gentle hugs,


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!