Tuesday, July 15, 2014

sunrise this morning...

there was a heavy dew out and everything was pretty wet...
I didn't hit the bed until 3am, so after DH left for work...
I climbed back in bed for a couple of hours...

after checking the thermometer...
I decided the only sane place to be was back under the covers...

I did get a few shots in though...
before cuddling with Charlie...
he was sure happy to go back to bed!

beans are looking really good...
but they need the heat back to make...
so does the corn...

two ears to a stalk this year and the yields will be high...
and the price of corn has already dropped...

Craig had today off so we cooked like madmen...
got enough made up to last a few days...
got the windows open...
and the weather guy says 52 tonight...
blankets on the bed...
got a sweat shirt on and might just sleep in one, too...
this is the coolest July here that I have ever seen...
its usually so stinkin' hot that you can only get out early in the mornings...
or late in the evening...
its even too cool to sit on the deck or lay on my bed out there...
might have to drag out the electric heater in the morning...
because DH would have a coronary if I turned the furnace on in July!
hope you are having good days to get out and play a bit...
because I am sure the sun will heat us up again soon enough...


  1. Greetings Tete, Wow sweatshirt wearing-girl you are young. Even in the cold, snowy winter here in Co. I sleep in a tank top and shorts. We've been having a weird summer weather wise as well. Somedays it is hot and now we are in Monsoon season and it rains more than it is sunny. Enjoy every day!
    Hugs to you.

  2. Mother Nature is playing with us Tete! We are getting up at 5:30am tomorrow to help the kids with a garage sale so I have a coat handy. I think I will need it till it warms up a little. I can't remember being cool in July ever! We are usually burning up. I am thankful for it, it feels so good. I hope you are feeling good. Give Charlie a hug!

  3. Tete, Brrrr that is cold.
    Our weather has been so HOT. Today I was inside all day too hot at 102 finally made it out at 8pm.
    Your garden is always looking so good.

  4. I'm loving this cool spell, and wishing it would last another day, but they say by tomorrow, it will start heating up, again.

  5. Tete, Our AC is off and one window is open...cause it's almost to chilly for even that. Glad you are resting when you can. I like when Ted grills to cook up a couple meals worth of things too. I did put on an extra blanket last night...this is good weather girl. Hope you have a great day. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  6. sounds like a perfect day, I wish I had a charlie to curl up with, I only have Gary!!

  7. i've said it before, and i'll say it again. what a beautiful, beautiful back yard and beyond view, you have!

    and with misty dew, even better. ,-)

    our weather has been very humid, but today (thankfully) it's been just beautiful summer weather. hot in the sun, but with low humidity and a breeze blowing through open windows and doors. purrrrrrrrrfect!!!!



Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!