Wednesday, August 20, 2014

bank robbery...

for real...
in our little town yesterday afternoon...

and they were chasing the wrong guy...
and it isn't nice to accuse someone that didn't do it...
and now the real guy got away...

but, it looks like the same guy who robbed another bank in a small town south of here on Friday...
his photo is all over the web, so let's hope they can catch him before he does this again...
in another small town...

and, onto our news for the day...
we got the truck back yesterday afternoon late...
and its working!
and they didn't charge us a think because the part was faulty...

got thunderstorms and rain here...
really dark, got the lights on in here...
everyone is napping now, so guess I will get mine in, too...
with the bank robbery yesterday and all the chaos...
(they locked down the school on the first day of school!)
I missed mine yesterday, so make do a double today to make up for it...

got a stiff and sore neck and shoulder on the right side...
I have traveling sore spots from doing the funky chicken in the shower Monday...
get one spot to where it doesn't hurt and something else starts in...
I am sure glad there is not a video of that...
hope you are having a good day!


  1. Tete, Have you looked on you-tube?? LOL. I am not so sure about not being filmed at anything we do. Some times I fear our world has gone totally nuts. We need some major intervention. Hope you are better as the day goes along. Praying today for many who are in need....even if they don't know it !!! Blessings dear friend.xoxo,Susie

  2. Get caught up on your sleep. So much excitement for a girl in one day. How great they did not charge u for the truck repair..that never happens so I am glad it happened to you!

  3. How exciting to start seeing the beginning of fall :)

  4. Good news about your truck repair and I hope they catch the bank robber soon.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!