Tuesday, August 19, 2014

it was a fun birthday weekend...

spent Saturday with DH and Craig...
we went to Paris...
shopped at Walmart and Kroger...
got what we needed...
and I spent a little bit on me, not much...
took my birthday money and bought school supplies...
haven't done that in a long time...
and Craig even picked up a few...
this time our shopping was for our little neighbor guy who is so much fun to have around...
school starts today for them...
then my guys took me to Burger King...
got my whopper and onion rings...
I was a happy camper...
then on Sunday...
which was the official day...
Doug and Paula came...
with this wonderful cake...
oh, my favorite...
so far...
the guys were so great...
did whatever I wanted to do...
Steve got up Sunday morning and went out to the VFW...
and brought back breakfast for us...
we had fried chicken and mashed potatoes...
cole slaw...
it was so good...
Craig had to work Sunday most of the day...
but they both helped with the babies...
which are growing like crazy...
going to keep the big ones one more week...
got a really hot week here...
and want a few days to put them out on the deck in the kennel...
to get them used to the outside noises...
they will be living in a barn when they get back home...
so sending the kennel with them...
for awhile so they can get used to the noises and smells there before they are turned lose...

got up yesterday morning and hit the shower first thing...
it is not good to do that at my age...
I did not go down all the way...
but enough to pull things I had forgot I had...
stiff, sore...
and feeling my age + 50...

the truck went back into the shop yesterday...
when we got it back from the last time...
they replaced the fuel pump module...
which is in the gas tank on this one...
and the fuel gauge wouldn't work...
so they finally got the part back in and took it in yesterday morning...
was supposed to have it done in one day...
yeah, that didn't happen...
and both guys work at the same time tomorrow in opposite directions...
so posted on fb that we needed help...
with a ride for one in either direction...
well, got a friend of over 30 years driving up here in the morning...
16 miles before work, to pick up Craig to take him to work...
he can walk to get the truck tomorrow afternoon...
you gotta love friends like that...
even when I told her no 3 times...
oh, what a blessing she is to us...
so, I am so pulled in every direction here right now...
it will be better when the older babies get to go home...
but they are on soft cat food with KMR and dry mixed in...
so won't be long now...
the little ones eyes are opening...
and they are growing so fast...
thanks for hanging in there with me...
its got to slow down some time!


  1. In order to have a great friend you must first be one! That is one of my favorite quotes. Tete you must be a good friend! We have't been home much lately. The doctor finally gave me permission to ride in the boat so we have been on it as much as we can. I had to go off my fibro medicine because it caused mouth ulcers, have you ever had any side effects? This is my second time. I wish you were my neighbor, I would come over every day and help with the kittens. I hope you get the truck fixed and it runs for a long time! Happy birthday!

  2. Happy birthday kid. LOL. Your fellows treated you well. :):) Oh that truck...we know about those fuel pumps. They sure don't make things simple like the old days. Blessings to all of you, xoxo,Susie

  3. Happy Belated Birthday !!
    Oh I know that pulled in all directions overwhelmed feeling , last month when all 12 puppies were up and running they were about to taking up almost every minute of my being . Love them to pieces , devoted all my time to them , cried when they left for their terrific forever homes ~ but a sigh of relief to have my days back in order again ~ for now lol

  4. Hi Tete, A belated Happy Birthday. I am enjoying "me" time today on my birthday. We could almost celebrate together. I am kinda lost with the grandsons all back in school after spending time with them all summer long. They keep me young. You will be lost for a little while when your babies go to a new home. Take care. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  5. Happy Birthday Tete!
    Just popping in and catching up with you a bit...those kitties are so stinkin' sweet!!!

  6. Happy birthday, Tete! I hope you had a great one!!

  7. What a grand cake. Glad it was a great day. Now it looks like your investigating the robbery! I remember when the bank was in the country on Oakland Rd it use to get robbed. just glad no one was hurt like in Arcola that one time.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!