Monday, November 17, 2014

can you believe it?

we are having January weather in November...
I didn't order this or pray for it or nothing...
it just happened...

it was so pretty last night...
it was stuck on everything...

but the sun came out early and it started melting off of the limbs...

well, tomorrow is the big day...
breast exam with my primary first thing in the morning...
and its supposed to be 12 degrees...
I am so not looking forward to freezing my buns off...

and I am hoping that the squisher machine is open, so he can send me right over to get my mammo...
and I don't have to go back or hang around an hour or three...

Christmas donations are piling up around here...
we don't set up until the after Thanksgiving...

ok, now for the good stuff...
got this at the open house last Friday...
and its a gift for someone else...
cute, huh?
its got one of those flickering lights in it, too...

and this...

I got Santa, too...

found these are the Dollar Tree on Saturday...
picked up 3 of them, but thinking now that I need to go back and grab a lot more of them...

I found this at Habitat for Humanity...
that was our first time in there, and will be going back...
some things are cheap and some aren't...
guess it depends on who is doing the pricing that day...

I am not planning on store hopping tomorrow in the cold...
I would freeze in the chair going across the parking lot...
I don't have a handicapped thingy...
so sometimes(most of the time)...
we have to park so far away from the door...
and the chair doesn't get through the ice and snow very well...
so will probably get squished and grab something at a drive up window and head home...
I am so grateful the van has a great heater in it...
I thought about taking my camera tomorrow...
but thought you might not want to see my flat boobs...
so leaving it at home...
now, you can be thankful, too...


  1. Hope your day is a good one, Tete, and you get in and out of the doctor's office quickly. Looks like you have a good start on Christmas! xo Diana

  2. I can't imagine no handicap sticker, my doctor had them put it on my drivers license and also have hanging tags to move from vehicle to vehicle, in case I ride with someone else.

    Have a great day, enjoy the squish, and dinner afterwards.

  3. You always take such pretty pictures!
    Hope Your exam goes quickly- I need to do that sometime soon too.
    Stay warm it's a sunny 72 today :)

  4. this is "tomorrow" so I hope you got all of that doc stuff done, today.

    Some snow stayed here too, even with rain all day, yesterday.

    Water in little pond was fully frozen this morning. And the wind was wild! Me thinks winter is here.


  5. Mammogram, means you go ina 36c and come a 36long. Ouch !! But it's necessary. Hope you got good reports. Our snow melted some today. I liked all the things you got. xoxo,Susie

  6. I hope the test went well and glad we don't get snow that bad.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!