Monday, November 17, 2014

as the world turns white...

we had snow on the ground when we got up yesterday morning...
but the sun popped out for a bit and it melted before noon...
but then it started in again...

and it started in again...
the first part of it melted right off...

but soon, it started to stick...
to everything...

I asked DH to take me for a drive when it was snowing...
before the major sticking started...

the world outside now is covered in white...
its a wet snow, and stuck to everything...

as soon as the light comes this morning...
I will step out and get some shots of the pretty before it goes away again...
sure glad we did our shopping on Saturday...
we shopped till we dropped...
and found some fun things, too...
but it was mostly a stock up on groceries day...
and getting what we needed to do another cold week...
DH even got the snow shovel out of the shed...
and we pulled all of the summer clothes out of our closet and put them away...
nothing but flannels, sweaters. sweat shirts and long sleeves in there now...
do ya think winter's here?
IF winter looked like it does now 100% of the time...
and we had no more than 3 inches on the ground...
and it didn't get colder than it is...
I would love winter...


  1. Tete, I am with you, very little snow, mild temps and low wind. LOL That is not how it is here though. It snowed, then the wind blew all night. It is cold , but hey the sun is shining, so I'll take that and be happy. Blessings for a great week, xoxo,Susie

  2. No snow here...
    Beautiful pictures. Looks like postcard!

  3. You take such pretty pictures Tete! You also live in such a pretty area of IL. Stay warm!

  4. AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL photos, Tete!!!!!
    Love your new blog background too. It really suits you very well. We have 2" of snow on the ground here, and it's COLD - high today was 16 degrees. Brrr! Enjoy your week, Tete. Bet this gets you into the Christmas mood.
    Hugs and blessings, Beth

  5. Snow here, still on the leaves and trees, unusual for us in November.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!