Friday, November 14, 2014

its official...

we had our first snow yesterday afternoon...

there was enough to track a cat...

so we went out after it had just gotten done...

it only snowed like a blizzard snow for less than 5 minutes...

I got some quick shots heading to the van...

and DH and I took a drive just out of town...

hoping it would start again...

but it didn't...

they were the biggest flakes ever...

and your could watch it move across the fields...

but those nasty old clouds that brought it left as quickly as they came in...

so we headed home...

we were losing sunlight...

the worst part of winter, for me, it the shorter days...
the lack of sunlight...
I thrive in bright sunlight...
gather energy from it...

been a busy morning and haven't gotten very much done at all today...
running here and there...
paid the water bill and the po box rent for the year...
checked all the donation boxes and canisters...
then we hit a Christmas Open House...
I know the crafters personally...
done shows with them...
so had to stop and grabbed a few things...
grabbed a few things at the store...
used fettuccine noodles...
and it ended up making 2 cake pans full...
so, guess that's what we are eating for supper...
and breakfast...
and lunch...
and supper again...
I had to take a taste test since they both just came out of the oven...
its good...
really good...

DH will probably be working over a bit and come in around 5ish...
for the most part, the overtime is done...
and he does have the weekend off...
we are shopping on Saturday morning...
got another round of s*#@ coming in in the afternoon and through the night...
but a week from Sunday, the long term forecast has us up to 50...
back to the normal stuff for us...

so, have a great weekend...
sometime tomorrow, I will try to post the photos I took of the open house...
so you can see all the cool stuff I left behind...

1 comment:

  1. Tete, I thought of you this morning. We had a skiff of snow. It didn't melt either. That's how cold it is. I must be just like you...I have to have sunshine , especially in winter. It is depressing with cloudy gray days, too many in a row. Take care and enjoy your weekend. xoxo, Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!