Saturday, November 15, 2014

Christmas Open House...

stopped in to see these 2 yesterday...
Nova and Carol...

this is some of what Nova does...
she does the painting...

and she will paint on anything...

and she is very good at it...
we have set up at many shows here in town together over the years...

and she has fun doing it...

this is Carol...
she is into floral arrangements...

and then she finds fun things like this...

she likes glitter...

sometimes a bit too much for me...

but she is broadening her horizons and tried a little burlap this year...
and it is selling fast...


I wanted the wreath hanger...
oh, well- I know how it is to have props and wanting to keep them to display with...
and that's where I spent part of the morning...
then had to go back and pick it up because I had no money and no check book on me...
we were on a mission to pick up toys and dump the donation cans when this crazy sign distracted me...
I knew this was coming, but had it in my head that it was next week...
then I figured out it was next week already...
I will show you what I got sometime next week...
today, me and my guy are heading out of town to do some shopping and grab lunch...
and we aren't going to Paris!


  1. Good Morning Tete!
    Love seeing fairs like Mom and I used to do them together all the time when my kids were small! I love the Santa in the cloche as well as the church with the pinecone roof!
    Happy Saturday!

  2. Tete, I love the sweet paintings. I like the little house. Stay warm, this weekend. The sun is shining here :):) Love it. But snow is coming this afternoon. xoxo,Susie

  3. Blogging Congratulations!

    Yours is the first Christmas Season Background I have seen!

    And it is a lovely and calm and not blinkingly-bright. A very, very pretty one.

    I actually dread some of the Holiday BAckgrounds which will be coming, on blogs. Brrrr... Bet some will nearly poke my eyes out!

    And you are good people! Making sure that many needy children, will have toys for Christmas.



Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!