Tuesday, November 11, 2014

more woods and happy Veterans Day...

some more photos of our Sunday walk...

reminders of what so many have fought for...

to keep places like this...
where we can all go...

they fought to keep this land...
from falling into enemy hands...

so we can take Sunday walks...

a land of peace...

no soldiers guarding the entrance...

no shots fired...
except during hunting seasons...

places like this of solitude, even filled with people...
it gives off a peace...

the fallen are still apart of the peace and beauty...
just like our own...
row after row...
still reminding us its worth fighting for...
we are worth fighting for...
I am thankful...
and remembering dad, my father in law, grandpa, uncle...
and all others who left the warmth of home and family...
the ones who marched in my place...
the ones who came home...
and the ones who went home...
very thankful...
God Bless the ones still marching...
keep them safe and bring them home...


  1. Tete, This is a wonderful tribute. I love the pictures. We are blessed. It's looking wintery here right now. But this morning at the break od day...it was heavenly. xoxo,Susie

  2. Tete- What a wonderful post about freedom and what it means. A great tribute to all the service people-past and present- xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!