Wednesday, November 12, 2014

the last photos of the woods...promise...

I just took so many of them...
be grateful that I am only doing 3 posts of them...
I took 95 really good shots...

its 29 out there with a wind chill of 18...
so you are stuck with these...
this chick isn't going out for new photos today...
its been spitting s*@#!

I just threw a pork roast in the oven...
with potatoes, carrots, red onion and corn bread stuffing...
mixed up some brown gravy and country gravy mixes and poured that over top...

should warm the house up this afternoon...
and make it smell good, too...

stopped up the sink with the potato peelings, so had to undo that...
I washed a load of clothes, but haven't gotten it in the dryer yet...
if I time it right, I might have help folding it when the beeper goes off...

spooky clown is looking kind of shabby out there on the bike...
forgot to get him put up...
another thing on the list this weekend...

all the cats are in today...
they are not liking the cold, either...
Lester's been in the field...
black feet...
he better stay off of my bed...
he normally sleeps on Craig's...
does that make me a bad mom?

Charlie got lose on us last night...
Craig didn't shut the gate on the deck and he ran out when I opened the door...
I didn't know the gate was open...
and off he went...

DH and I were headed to Casey's for his cappuccino...
(he loves the pumpkin spice one)
so Charlie is long gone, half way down the street...
and we get in the van to go get him...
cold, wind blowing...

he heads back for us when we get on the street...
he is afraid of vehicles...
so we had to turn it off and I hopped out...
he comes up so close...
but not close enough to grab, turns tail and bolts again...
I go back to the van, get in...
and there he is...
so I get out again...
and I bend over, he comes up and sniffs...
and I almost got him, but he blots again...
thinking its play time...
by this time, I am calling him bad names...
and he's loving every minute of it...
thank God I had put his blue hoodie on him yesterday when the temp dropped...
its the only way I caught him...
he was so busy bouncing all over the place, the fool thing came over his head...
and it didn't stop until it covered his whole face...
so, blinded by the hoodie...
he was confused...
and this fat old lady had a shot of nabbing him...
I will tell you right now...
I am too old to run...
let alone run when its cold out...
of course DH is in the van with the heat on...
(he started it back up)
and by the time we got in...
I was huffing and puffing and wheezing...
I won't even tell you what my butt fat was doing with each step...
lets just say that dark is a good thing...
and the neighbors were all inside...
so you won't see it on youtube...
this dog may get the best of me yet...
can I move this morning?
not very good...
can he?
he's a dog and young!
I am sure he is in there plotting his next escape...
with Bebe, all I had to do was open the door and he hopped right in...
this one can't jump, doesn't like car rides(yet)...
and is a major pain in my butt...
but we love him anyway...
good thing...
so, how's your day going?


  1. I enjoyed looking at all of your photos Tete! So pretty!

  2. That is a lovely state park you visited. Where is it? I'm in Plainfield, the hubby and I are always on the lookout for nice places to go walk.

  3. Tete, I swear you had me laughing out loud. Chancing that dog. I loved your outdoor photos. The first one with the sky reflecting in the water, that is beautiful. It was so cold today here also. My sisters and I helped our sister Brenda clean around here new apartment and then hauled things from her old place to this new one. Tomorrow they will be moving without me. I go to the heart dr. with my Teddy Bear. It's time for his year exam and the treadmill. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  4. Dare I say, he sounds like a spoiled kid?

    Yep, I dare say.

    Oh I would have been so mad at him, running off and teasing you all.

    Good thing I don't have a dog, isn't it? Yes it is!

    And the lovely pics of a walk in the woods are lovely. A memory of that short between time... What with the snow spitting on you. And due here in a couple of days too. Yishhhhhh

  5. Hi Tete, Absolutely great photos-you have such a good eye.
    If you think it is cold there, try -1 this morning and we've had a high of 10 degrees. The weather man said it was the coldest place in the U.S., even beat out the North Pole. Stay in and stay warm.
    Hugs, Noreen

  6. What great shots, Tete! I especially love the one towards the end, that looks like a dreamy watercolor! Gorgeous!

  7. Love all the wooded shots, Tete...but the "catch the cat" story was the winner here. Geez...that would have made a great Youtube entry! OR--- I could have used it instead of a People of Walmart picture. lol

    Too cold here- xo Diana

  8. Tete, you are living in a fantastic area! I love your woods - so why stop posting it :)!!! Fantastic pictures I can smell the dark wet earth!
    Happy days and all my best from Austria

  9. I'm already missing my campground so looking at your beautiful photos made me happy...and your story made me laugh!!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!