Saturday, December 13, 2014

our Kids Shopping Night!

Thursday night we opened up the shop and let the kids in...
we had some really wonderful donations...

took us a few days to set this all up at the fire hall...

and the kids were few this year...
we were competing against a basketball game...
the whole town goes, you know...
but the kids who came got some awesome gifts!

and we had a bunch of awesome helpers on hand...
some of the best people around...
and my friends...

spent today shopping...
for the toy drive and little bit for us...
Craig took me out for lunch...
McHugh's Double Drive through...
oh, its been too long since we went there...
going back real soon!

came home, unloaded...
messed around and waited for Steve to get home...
took off for the fire hall to grab the wrapping paper and empty boxes...
we are officially out of there!
took them to the furniture store to put upstairs...
grabbed the rest of the gifts for the 5 year old little girl...
came home, ate supper and took a nap...

got up again...
Craig and I bagged all the toy drive stuff up in bags, ready to deliver tomorrow and Tuesday...
got our stuff wrapped...
did dishes, bathed the dog...
and finally just finished my CHRISTmas cards!
I am so late...
always have them out no later than the 5th...
no excuse...

laundry and some major house work when we get up...
DH has to work and I think he's happy about not being here...
wonder why?

so, I am off to bed...
got much to get done and I can rest on Sunday!

have a wonderful weekend!


  1. THANK YOU! for all that you do to help Santa! I can close my eyes and imagine all those little smiling faces when they open their packages on Christmas Day. Thehubs will don his red suit next Friday for all the little ones and seniors at our local VFW. Last year he arrived in a firetruck and it was so much fun! Have an awesome day Tete! xxDazee

  2. Bless you Tete. You and your fellows, plus all your helpers. What a great Christmas at your town. Hope it all smoothly and you get some rest. xoxo,Susie

  3. I am so glad that everything went so well this year. Too bad you were competing with a basketball game though! Glad you got to McHughs for a bit of something good for yourself.

    I am just getting my cards in the mail today, Tete. I am really late this year, also.

    Have a great weekend- xo Diana

  4. Sounds like a wonderful evening.

  5. Bless you for your kindness and generosity, Tete! This is an amazing thing you do!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!