Tuesday, December 16, 2014

the magic of Christmas in our little town...

been taking short drives to look at the lights in the evenings...

taking calls, making deliveries and have another shopping trip to do...
buying for a 10 year old little girl who like girly things...

got caught up on the book work for the toy drive...
dropped off items at the school and picked up an envelope with $80 in it...
the kids at the grade school raised money for our kids...
now that's sweet!

got another donation in the mail, too...
so we are not done yet...
we be making a trip to town tonight, not sure yet...
I know we need to go Thursday...
or so...

spent Sunday with the old man cleaning house...
yesterday was book work and phone calls...
and a nap...
today is delivery, sorting through toy totes and bagging for a couple of other kids...
pick up here and there and grabbed the mail...
store run and have to go back...
Charlie is out of dog food...
and I am not letting him have people food again!
gave him the poopies...
not a good thing...

we are on our umpteenth day of clouds, clouds and more clouds...
the forecast is calling for sunshine tomorrow!
I need my batteries recharged so bad...
I might even be laying out...
(those of you who know me, know how likely that is to happen)

not many more days left until Christmas...
I think we are ready, or soon will be...

need to visit a neighbor...
it will be a year on the 18th since his dad passes away...
so want to check in on him and make sure he is ok...
those first things are the hardest ones...
not that any are easy, but they do get easier...

so off with you...
you have cookies to bake and gifts to wrap...
tinsel to hang and don't forget the mistletoe!
so get that jingle music blasting and get to it!


  1. Tete, I am so glad the school children want to help others. So nice that your town is having a good Christmas. Some great people in your town. Blessings to all, xoxo,Susie
    P.s. Oh yes, no poopies..get that dog food.

  2. It sounds like you are preparing to have a great Christmas and how good the school kids chip in money to help others.

  3. Glad that you got so much done, Tete, for the kids and that there is still money trickling in and requests coming through. All good.

    Glad you are able to get out and see the lights and enjoy the season a bit, Tete. xo Diana

  4. That was nice of the kids to raise the money.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!