Thursday, January 22, 2015

the last of the photos of the Sunday drive...

this is the river that runs through these parts...

its not very big here, but gets larger south of us...

the cold weather is back...
in the 30s, but 45 for Saturday...
then snow on Sunday...

not liking the colder nights...

but its still January, and anything above zero is a good thing...

and not being stuck in a snow drift is another...

got some plans for the next few days...
nothing major...

gonna hit the play room again...
and see what can be done in there and organize my stuff better so I can start doing something...



so what have you been up to?
any craft projects going on?
winter cleaning frenzy?
pulling the blankets over your head and forgetting about it all?
have a fun day...


  1. love a river, a stream, a riverlet, or any body of moving water. thank you.

    here, just random coughing, taking care of bad back, and resting.

    wheeeee.... are we having fun yet? ,-))))

  2. what beautiful images, I could look at this all day, thank you for sharing,

  3. Hi Tete,
    Your pics are beautiful. Winter can be so pretty can't it?
    Thank you for stopping by and your kind comment about my paintings. I have an etsy shop too and my artform keeps me pretty busy. Nice to hear you paint as well.
    Have a blessed weekend.

  4. Tete, Seeing ice on creek and rivers makes me cold. Our nice 40's is gone also. We have about 58 days till spring. That will go fast. Then we will be really working in our yards and cleaning up after winter. LOL. Hope you are feeling better. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  5. Thanks for letting me ride shotgun Tete, so pretty!
    It's cold here with snow in the forecast for tomorrow.
    Only 97 more days til my camping season starts!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!