Thursday, January 22, 2015

one project at a time...

I had put my Americana paint bottles in the green cabinet when I first started organizing my playroom...
but it looked yucky...

then today, I was goofing off in there...
and looked at this, then opened the door...
there wasn't much in there and it could go somewhere else...

it didn't take but a few minutes to move the bottles, sorting as I went...
so all the greens are together...
the whites...
the blues...

and it came out looking like this...

and hidden away as soon as you close the door...
but withing reach and so easy to get to when I decide to paint something...
which I am itching to do...

then there is this box from Christmas...
from Tia...
there are, I think, 21 of these little jars in there...

and then I have drawers full of stuff like this...

and it is starting to look like this now...
in the green cabinet...

I have missed being in this little room...
tomorrow, I am moving the new laptop in there...
DH got his old one back...
and I am still trying to figure this one out and get all of my downloads on this one...
but the camera is working on it...
and my editor...
so all is good for now...
not sure how I like this one...
will take me a bit to get used to the keypad...
so, have a good day tomorrow...
its my niece's birthday...
and she is sick...
and her mom is in the hospital with fluid around her heart...
they are doing a heart cath in the morning, so prayers for her would be appreciated...
there is a blockage and the dye from other tests have her on dialysis anyway...
she is sick, too...
they all caught something in the doctor's office waiting room about 10 days ago...
so they could all use some divine help to get through all of this...


  1. Tete, Praying for your family members. Sad that all that is going on with their health. Happy birthday to your niece. I like the way you have organized your ribbons and paints. Blessings, xoxo,Susie
    p.s. it going to be a nasty weekend for us.

  2. Hi Tete, prayers for everyone! That cabinet is a great place for storing paint, pretty too!

  3. what a precious little cabinet!

    caught in doc's office. oh yeah. gotta' wear a mask, there, especially.

  4. did I already say, that the click-to-show-i'm-not-a-robot thing... has added, the necessity to type in a word too???? in order to comment here.

    when the type-awful-word was being used, some bloggers did not try to comment. I fear this will be the same effect, with this new "word" thing.

    we read all our comments anyway. wouldn't it be simpler all round, to simply use comment moderation?

    just wondering.

    perhaps you will address this issue, in a post...???

  5. oh my gosh, that is so sad, I will keep them in my payers,
    I didn't have to stop blogging I explained it in my post today but I want to thank you for your support and offers of help, you are such a sweet heart!My husband was upset when I told him I was not blogging anymore because it had become so difficult with my vision, he said don't be silly, I will help, so here I am! All those bottles of paint make me very happy in you photos, lol,


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!