Saturday, January 24, 2015

where I will create...someday...

been working in here a bit this week...
this is what you see when you walk in here...
my very own playroom...

on the other wall, are trunks and suitcases full of keepsakes and family genealogy...
old photos, family items...
kids scrapbooks and yearbooks...

I really have no idea why I keep what I do...

yellow roses...
remind me of my dad...

angels for protection and guidance...

I do love silk flowers...

vintage postcards...
I used to deal in those quite a bit...

a basket of odds and ends that need to be dealt with...
those yellow things are leave scoops that I found at a farm store right after Christmas...
they will come in handy this spring...
because we dumped all the leaves on the flower beds...

this is my view from my work area...
I had planned to spend some time there reading the winter away...
it just hasn't happened yet...
too much to do...
sometimes I just go in there and sit just to be there...
and the guys stop by and visit if I am in there too long...
and this weekend, I am moving my computer back in there...
and will be in there a lot more again...
when I am not in here cooking and doing dishes...
doing laundry, knocking down cobwebs...
there's another post right there...
had all of them gone for Christmas and I turn around...
and bam!
they're back again...

I do know there will be a lot more painting to be done come spring...
and warm weather...
I am lining up the projects to knock off once we get back outside...
I am getting my kitchen done before long, too...
cabinets and walls painted...
nothing extravagant...
too poor for that...
but it will be different and brighter...
so off I go...
its after midnight and I need some sleep...

a note on my SIL...
the doctor would not do the heart cath yesterday...
her heart rate was too weak and she wasn't breathing right...
might have fluid in the lungs...
she had done her dialysis the day before and was all goofy on them...
so not sure what that is about...
got her on IV antibiotics and meds to take off the fluids around the heart...
I think she is 66 now, so not too terribly old, but getting up there...
her name is Susan...
please keep praying...


  1. I will keep Susan in my prayers, so young to be suffering from such problems,

    what a beautiful cosy room to create in!!

  2. Tete, Prayers for Susan. 66 is not old by today's standards. That is about the age my mother was when she had open heart surgery...she lived to be 83. I love your craft looks so cozy. nice to have a place like that to yourself. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  3. your own room!!!!

    66 is way too young, to have so many problems!

    how goes your cold?

    i finally started anti-biotics today. it is time. don't like 'em, but when it's time, it's time.

    oh and we went out at 7am and got a load of groceries. hardly anyone in there. but i still wore my mask!

    I'm gonna' be japanese, and not be ashamed to wear a mask! like they do, to avoid getting sick!!!!

  4. and yeah, finally learning that if one is signed into one's own blog, they do not have to do any of the catch-bad-guys-stuff, in comments.

    just publish!!!!!

    where have I been????? how come no one told me this? before? -moan-

  5. Sixty six is young to me. I'm just about there. Prayers for Susan!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!