Tuesday, March 10, 2015

54 today with morning showers...

I like the sound of that...

I am participating in a facebook challenge...
I must post a black and white photo for 5 days and pick someone else each day to do the same thing...

I edited more than 5...
so I am going to post all of them here for a few days...

these photos were in a file that I have been setting aside to print...

I ended up having 249 photos in the album...
which I uploaded and will have back around the 17th...
while I love looking at them online and on the computer...
I still love having things in my hands...

90% of the snow is gone from here...
and that extra hour of daylight in the evening is so nice to have...
they are calling for 61 tomorrow...
I know some around here have already had their windows open...
and we might later on...
but right now we are all fighting head colds...
we have all started snorting and sniffling...
sinus head aches and leg aches...
Craig was first, then me and finally DH...
all within 24 hours...
I just bought a 3 pack of kleenex last weekend thinking the allergy season is coming...
I don't think they will see that...
but we have them and the cold and allergy meds, too...

hope you are warming up where you are...
and you are not walking in mud and mire...
we are here...
it will soon dry out...
but we need some wind to do that...
which I don't really want, but its better than muddy feet...
so have a great day and find something fun to do...


  1. the warm temps and rain sound wonderful, the cold does not, feel better soon,

    beautiful photos!

  2. black and white photography is tricky. I once followed a blog, with just B&W. of course, she was an expert. and I wanted to try it.

    -sigh- never mastered it. but it is fun to do, every now and then. I'm not selling anything, so no pressure.

    sorry for the cold-crap, going through the family. -sigh-

    and we don't have your temps, but our snow ISSSSSSS melting. long ways to go, but you can see progress!


  3. Your black and white photos are gorgeous!

  4. Tete, I love your black and white photos. I do not know how to do that with my pictures. Wish you were my neighbor girl...so we could play on computer and cameras together. LOL. Today was almost like spring. I just wore a fleece jacket. It was raining on and off today too. Our snow has melted. I love seeing the bare ground. Blessings, xoxo,Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!