Sunday, March 8, 2015

a little therapy goes a long way...

made our monthly stock up trip yesterday to Paris...
and this is my new stash of fun...

I found these for the bears...
on clearance for $1...

I finally found them!
chalk board labels for jars!

more washi tape...

and I had to try it out last night...

and then I had this in the mail...
who could be that old?
not me, surely...
oh well, at least I am still around to get mail like this...

we had a high of 42 yesterday...
it was so wonderful!
its going to take several days to melt all this snow...
but we already have pools of water here and there...
its going to be very mushy out there...

maybe I can talk DH into a Sunday drive today...
I don't think I am going to get anything done on the kitchen this weekend...
except cooking, cleaning and dishes washed every day...
but that's ok...
there's plenty of time...
it will be done soon enough...

I also picked up 3 night gowns...
and DH bought me a cord less drill...
so I could take the cabinet doors off easier...
could that be a hint?


  1. Looks like you found some bargains there, Tete. Glad it is warmer there. It is warming up here today, too.
    35 year reunion? Ha! You are just a baby yet! xo Diana

  2. "Class of 1280"

    hey you "youngin'"...

    how would you like to be from "Class of 1954"??? reallllly!

    and I too, am happy to still be around, to write that. :-)


  3. Tete, I love your new craft goodies. I had to laugh, that DH sure is a romantic man, buying you a drill. LOL. Hey I remember my first drill...had to buy my own. But once a fellow bought me some wire cutters and a fishing pole. LOL You are still a young thing....don't forget that. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  4. Hi Tete, you found some great treasures. I love using the chalk board labels too and have found them even at office max by Martha Stewart and also World Market has a selection.
    Congrats on the class reunion. Class of 1980!! You are just a youngster!!
    hugs, CM


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!