Sunday, March 1, 2015

March is coming in like a lion here...

this is what I do when I am stuck inside...
the painting of the island continues...

and we all love it...

this is what they looked like before...

and some recent online purchases...
I got a couple tea sets with pink roses...

these match my knobs on the kitchen cabinets...
Moss Rose...
I have had many pieces in the past and sold them...

more projects to work on and I love this tulip vase...
its flat and fun...

DH had the idea of going for a ride late yesterday afternoon...
before the snow was supposed to start...

we should have had a good two hours of no snow driving...

but the snow came early...

hopefully, this is the last snowfall...

by this time next week, this should all be gone...

and replaced by a sloppy mess...

we will be cold for a few days...
rain on Tuesday...

ice rink on Wed and Thur...

and then the 40s will take over...

and spring will be just around the corner...

which is wonderful news...
there is a bonus coming, too...
changing the clocks again!
longer evening light...

only one more week until this nasty cold weather goes away...
I think I can do this!

hang in there!
the melting will happen!
have a blessed day today...


  1. I love that you can have some predictable weather. Over here we just have to see what the Atlantic is doing, and even then the weather won't make its mind up! Spring is just around the corner... not long now :-) x

  2. Your cabinets look really great, Tete. I love the black!
    Nice finds with your new treasures and great pictures as always.
    That is a fun picture of the snowman(woman?) with the red cape. xo Diana

  3. Good Morning Tete, I like your cabinets they are going to be awesome when you get them done. The snow wasn't to arrive until around lunch time, but it came at nine in the morning. I always love seeing the pictures that you take on your drives. I really love your knobs and your two new tea sets beautiful. Have a wonderful day and stay warm. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  4. well my month came in, with snow showers and cold temps. typical. my month is unpredictable, just like me. ,-)

    the melt will happen. but that's what we are afraid of, here. with soooooo muchhhhhhh snow, everywhere. ground, roofs, etc. the thought is scary. -sigh-

    oh well, no need worrying. what will happen will happen. :-)

  5. Tete, That March snow roared into our area also. We have about 9 inches started out fluffy and now is wet as the temps warmed up...I do not shovel wet snow. I will push it if it isn't too deep...but this will have to melt on it's own. I love your tea sets and the island looks so much better. You will enjoy it. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  6. LOVE LOVE LOVE the black cabinets too Tete! That's my dream kitchen, black cabinets with stainless steel appliances and granite counter tips. That's what I'm hoping for when we move! Again, you took some lovely winter shots, but I'm looking so forward to spring AND changing those clocks next week!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!