Monday, March 2, 2015

what a weekend!

DH walking Charlie with Mr Wiggles tagging along...

we got at least another 8 inches piled on top of what was left of the last snow...

Craig had to call in...
the city had us plowed at 7am...
but the state came behind them and plowed our road shut...
never did see the city plow here again...

I did not work on the island at all today...
there's always next weekend...

I did go out with DH and Charlie and walk in the snow as it was coming down...

and we all took turns taking naps...

and then I hid in the playroom for awhile last night...

and played around...

a card I have been working on...

for someone special...

and then I went to bed...
only to wake in agony!
I had a bum big toe...
and I hit it in my sleep...

while waiting for the throbbing to go away...
I went to play again...

and 2 more homeless teddies will find a new home...

I am going to try to sell them online...

and if that doesn't work...
I will think of something else...

I hope you had a good weekend and that you were able to stay in and stay warm if you were in the path of this storm...

our week might get a little wild after this stuff melts and refreezes again...
but I will keep you posted on the fun...

have a super Monday!


  1. sorry about the toe! grrrrrrr......

    ahhh yes, the snow that will not go away. and when it does, it isn't going to be pretty. -sigh-

    ok. nothing we can do about it. so, what do we put our mind to? you, to fixing sweet Teddies. :-)


  2. I am so glad we dont get a lot of snow where we are at.

  3. Gorgeous photos look like post cards. I can only imagine what it must feel like .

  4. Sorry about the toe Tete! I love the first photo of Mr. Wiggles following the hubby. Growing up we had a cat that would follow us walking the dog. He would hide, jump out, attack the dog then continue on. So cute! I can't believe the snow you guys got. Nothing here in Plainfield. That's great that you were able to find time in the playroom! Have a wonderful week!


  5. Oh- Way too much snow, Tete...but it does make for some beautiful pictures. I love the little bears-they are so cute...and the card is very pretty.

    Have a great Monday- xo Diana

  6. I love the cards, and little bears.

    and your pics are so crisp and nice. what kind of camera do you use?
    maybe it is more how you use it, than what kind it is. =)

    more blessings

  7. I wanna come play with the bears too! Such sweetness. I am searching for my big bunny. He needs to be on the dining room table watching over the eggs I still need to hunt for! LOL! I love that Paris touch and all your treasures. Enjoy!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!