Sunday, April 19, 2015

a rainy day here...

its a bit gloomy and wet to do much today outside...
but it was wonderful for a photo shoot in the woods...
the colors are so vibrant in the rain...

we worked hard yesterday in the yard...
sunny most of the day and almost 70...
we just kept at it...
and we didn't get it all done, but we took a big bite out of it...

we both woke up feeling really good...
probably the best day either of us has had in quite some time...
we started out with the island...
and hauled leaves to the dump several time...
grabbed lunch up town and after I took a nap...
we started in again and didn't stop until supper time...
Craig brought home 10 bags of top soil and 2 of cow manure...
we got that unloaded and its just laying on the garden...
we have time to open and work that up later...
not time to plant here, yet...

the rain will make things grow...
and give us old folks a day off to recover from the nice, warm, sunny day...


  1. Tete, I love your rainy day photos. So glad you and your husband are feeling better. It is raining here and has been since 12 o'clock noon. Blessings for a great new week. xoxo,Susie

  2. Your photos are beautiful! I love the one of the river.

  3. Hi Tete, Sounds like you got a lot accomplished and that always makes you feel good doesn't it?

    The rain is perfect right now and we have had so much here too including bad storms and high winds. The gardens are loving the rain and the blooms are thriving right now. We are enjoying it because soon enough we will be very hot here in Texas and the garden will suffer.

    Love your gorgeous pics. The rain really does make for wonderful shots.

    Have a great week.
    Hugs and Blessings, CM

  4. Oh- Everything is looking SOOO green there, Tete. It really does look like Spring. It rained here all day long, too-xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!