Saturday, April 18, 2015

some updates...

this is a t-shirt design that I made for my cousin, Deb...
the one who came to visit a couple months ago with Sheila...
the one with liver cancer...
since returning home...
the tumor was finally big enough for them to put her on the transplant list...
so that began the next step...
the transplant team...
who are very good at what they do...
there is a list of things you must do...
hoops, if you would allow, to jump through...
it may be impossible for her, or anyone, to do this list...
she has been doing this whole healthy eating thing and she lost a ton of weight...
feels better than ever, but now she cannot take any supplements...
no vitamins, or anything with them in it...
no protein shakes or energy bars...
nothing over the counter or from the health food store...
she had tried cannabis oil, and it was working...
but she cannot do that and they will not listen to her about it at all...
but now she must complete a drug addiction program....
which is so many visits with a professional on their list...
if she survives long enough to jump through all the hoops...
and I think they have some of them lit on fire...
she will get her transplant...
if she's not dead by then...

so the shirts are being sold to raise money for all the 'extras' going on there...

Courtney is doing pretty darn good...
she got an infection, inside...
and they put her on antibiotics and had her set up to go into surgery yesterday...
to remove the infection and clean up the site...
well, she got there...
doc looked her over and said he couldn't believe it...
the infection was completely gone and they cancelled surgery...
he said, someone's been praying for you...
and praying hard...
she has hit a couple speed bumps after surgery, but doing really great now...
I am sure they will be grilling out this weekend and celebrating another victory...

I have run into a couple of doggie deaths this week...
one is a blogger and another is a friend...
so sad when they go and I so know their pain...

DH came home from work yesterday not feeling good at all...
didn't eat much for supper...
no walk, no nothing...
got a shower, went to bed...
hoping the rest does him good and he is better when he gets up this morning...

So, that's the latest around here...
we have rain coming in tomorrow, so I am going to try to get as much done as I can outside...
yesterday was a bad day for me, so just laid low and worked out the sore muscles the best I could...
feel really good right now, and I hope it lasts all day...
time for breakfast and just waiting for the sun to come up...
its 4:30 am here...
have a good day


  1. Tete, I am so sorry about Deb.She will be in my prayers. Courtney's news is the best I have heard for a while. Prayer is powerful. Hope your man gets well today. Some times rest is truly what a person needs. I have some things to get done today also. Blessings to all, xoxo,Susie

  2. Tete, The rain is heading your way it is here today. Pours down and then lets up suppose to do it all day long. I will keep praying that she gets her liver transplant. Hubby wasn't sick enough when we tried for his and even tried for liver cells. Prayers is definitely powerful. Take care. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend Shirley@shirleystitches

  3. so much going on,,, the power of prayer never ceases to amaze me!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!