Wednesday, April 22, 2015

frost tonight?...surely, they jest...

we have the heat back on...
nippy here and windy...
the lantern we use to feed the bigger birds came down in a wind and broke the hanger upper thingy off...
I will need a washer to fix it...
have a plan...
that was Saturday's temp, not today's...

I need to replant more tulips...
lost so many the winter before last...

my favorite shot of that day...
looking through the dwarf lilac and iris...
aiming for the tulips...

I did a little rearranging out here and love it...
not much difference, but enough...

pardon my dirty teacup...
just not quite warm enough to play with the hose yet...

south yard bed...
I am amazed at how much things can change here in a month...
not that long ago that this was covered in snow...

but now that winter is behind us...
(most of us)
its time for the dreaded whirly gigs...

and the maples are full of them this year...
just imagine how many of them will land in the flower beds and pots this year!
I will be pulling another forest!

and finally today...
my new ride...
DH bought it for me for Christmas...
from a friend who doesn't mow anymore...
and its all mine...
I still have my little wagon from years ago...
( poor thing is 20 years old now )
and together, we are going to garden like its 2015!
I can now go anywhere on this acre all by myself...
I need to name her...
I need a flowery name, I think...
so if you have an ideas, leave them below!

thinking of purple flames down the side...
oh, the possibilities...
pink tires might be too much!
have a fun hump day...
see ya soon!


  1. You have frost and we have snow here. UGH!!!
    Love your tractor. Now you can do your own mowing, too! What a nice surprise that mower was! xo Diana

  2. Tete, As usual you have wonderful pictures. I can just see you ripping around on that mower. It will come in handy. Girl, I am freezing here today. I can't take it. I bunched all my pots and flowers on the porch, may have to put covers on them. I do not like this...I know you don't either. Right now the sun is's been cloudy all day/ This wind is nasty too. I love all your flowerbed décor. Let's wish for our warm weather back. xoxo,Susie

  3. Tete,
    Your yard always gives me such inspiration..
    it truly does...
    I wish I just had a little more time to play in the mud..
    I am thinking when Tea takes a nap then I go into zone out mode...
    but, looking at these pictures just lifts my spirits and encourages me to keep up with my yard
    Thank you...
    Xo Marissa

  4. "Goldie" looks sooooo totttttaly coooool!!! wonderful!

    Yup, frost due up here too.

    But then, we never plant, till end of May.



Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!