Thursday, April 23, 2015

quick post...

a few of the babies...
2 days old...

Charlie watching the babies...

Hopper watching me...

got fresh green beans, potatoes and bacon going here...
smells good...
manwiches tonight with them...
a little cleaning up outside...
its sunny, but chilly...
no frost last night!

got 4 kittens coming in...
a friend who is a nurse...
asked for one of her patients...
cannot take care of them...
social worker will call me...

gearing up for the weekend...


  1. You will have your hands full with more kitties! Bless your heart for taking them in:) The kittens are just adorable, and Charlie looks like a cute little teddy bear!

  2. Sounds like you will have a houseful with 4 more coming! Those babies are just so sweet and cute. Really makes me want a kitty again! Charlie is darling, too! xo Daina

  3. HOw many can you care for, at once??????????

  4. Hi Tete, you are a busy girl and have a houseful of sweeties. Oh the kitties are just too cute. Sweet Charlie is precious.
    Have a good weekend.
    Hugs and Blessings, CM

  5. Tete, can you put those babies with your cat that just had kittens? You dog looks so cute in his little shirt. :) Hope you guys are all getting well. Glad you had no frost. It is raining here all day so far...I am pretty sick of it by now. I need sunshine. :):) Blessings, xoxo,Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!