Friday, April 17, 2015

we had some rain through the night...

but we had to get some of this done anyway...

nothing like playing in the mud!

you don't even want to see my shoes!

lovin' some screen...
he watched us most of the time...

tiny viola are everywhere and the clover is blooming...

this is my dwarf lilac...

and the tulips are popping up here, there,

and yonder!

its so good to be warm again...
even if the bugs are already here...

going slow and sure this weekend...
we only have Saturday to work outside...
Sunday will be rainy...

I hope your weekend is fun and you get done what you need to...
are you buying plants yet?
not me...
but soon...


  1. Things are sure looking fine at your house, Tete . I love those sweet violets. xo Diana

  2. Love Hooper, through the screen...

    No plants here yet. Don't plant in my neck of the woods, till end of May.

    Now is clean up time!!!!!

    Have a good weekend!

  3. Tete, You may to throw your shoes away. LOL. I hate having to clean out the beds when it's so wet and muddy. I need to get a ton of mulch. I did look at a few things around here today. I will look for more plants maybe tomorrow. Blessings to you honey, hope you are doing much better. xoxo,Susie

  4. Never had good luck with tulips but those are pretty.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!