Sunday, October 11, 2015

autumn on the prairie...

we have only been down in the 40s, so the fall  color is slow coming this year...
but there is a start of it now...

we have had some very perfect days...
lows in the 40s and it has been warming up into the 60s-70s...
and most of the time, the sun is out...

DH is working the whole weekend...
but my son is home today and tomorrow...

he took me for a ride this morning before the Bears' game...

waiting for it to get over with so we can make a quick store run here in town...

we have had a super dry fall...
so things are not flowing and turning the prettiest frankenstein green...

most of the leaves are just curling up and turning brown...
won't be the prettiest of falls...

some of the farmers are down with harvest and turning ground now...

that big white thing is a ground pile...
when the elevator gets full, they dump it there and will haul it out later...
this is the first one here in town...
(there will be 2)
where DH works, they have started on the 2nd one already...
they only dump corn in them...

good weekend for chili...
and heading to grab some hamburger...
so we can have something else to eat as this runs out...

Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends!
I hope you have a wonderful holiday with friends and family...
turkey and all the good stuff...
I would love to have Thanksgiving this time of the year...
that would give us so much more time to get ready for the Christmas season...
or the first week of November...
then we could just roll from Halloween right into pie eating time...
and the weather would be nicer for gatherings...
and putting Christmas lights up outside...
just a thought...
you know when they picked a date...
there weren't outside lights and plastic snowmen yet...
I think we should write congress about this...
all those in favor...
leave a comment...


  1. Tete, They have those ground piles here too. I have seen some fields turned already. My neighbor has all his crops in. But there's lots of corn still standing...beans are pretty much done. I am making some chili this week. I wish I had some right now. LOL. It seems you had the same weather we did this year. Remember when Beth Marie would share our weather with us...I miss her, don't you? Wish I could have met her in person. Blessing to you and your men there. Let's enjoy these wonderful days sweet friend, xoxo,Susie

  2. Love seeing you fields and trees! Our trees are glowing but the mountains have passed their peak. I'm not reading for Thanksgiving or Christmas and especially not winter.

  3. You do such great shots of the countryside around you, Tete...making them as real to us as they are to you.

    I say -write to Congress---lol xo Diana

  4. frankenstein green... ahhhh yes, I know it well. lol

    Wish our Thanksgiving was now, like Canada. it's way too late in the season. harvesting has been over for awhile, when ours comes around.

    and then it's zip-bang-boom into Christmas. Yish....




Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!