Saturday, October 10, 2015

happy weekend...

it took me awhile this morning to figure out it was the weekend...
feels like Friday to me...

that's what harvest does to you...
(not blaming old age today)
no smirking!

the train is non stop here...
got to get the grain shipped out of town...

we were out for a walk so went down and watched it go by...

Craig is in the shower getting ready to head to work...
I have been up since 4am...

so I am getting a nap in today...

I have got my work almost done...
the last load of clothes is about to come out of the dryer...
once they're hung up and folded, I'm snoozin'...
that will be my 3rd load today...
that's enough...
got 2 pots of chili made...
my wimpy one...
and the guys' spicier one...
dishes are almost done and the kitchen doesn't look like a bomb went off anymore...
hope y'all are having a good weekend...
nothing too hard going on...
find a pumpkin patch and drink some cider...
got to get moving and get my grocery list made for Craiger...
BEFORE he leaves...
see ya tomorrow!


  1. liked your flower so pretty and the other pictures.

    I better not talk loud too much. I may wake you up.

  2. Tete, I know what you mean about the trains hauling harvest. The one that goes through our town will be bring loads out of Cargills on the east of town. I do not like how long they can be ...but I love the train. Your flowers are still trying to be pretty for you. Even my mums want to look a bit droopy. I got out today and took some photos around town. Hope you got a nap in and that your chili taste good. I think I am going to make some this coming week. I love and Ted would eat it for a solid week. LOL. Blessings, xoxo,Susie
    p.s. I miss having my girls around, them being married and all....they used to go to the store for me. LOL


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!