Friday, October 16, 2015

just a quick update...

just to let you know that the doctor's visit went ok and I think I am going to like this guy...
he is young and gung ho, but other than that...
I think he will do just fine...
told me to take just half a pill of the BS drug the other doc had give me...
put me on thyroid medicine and a baby aspirin a day...
tried to get me to take cholesterol meds, but I am just not going to do it...
they can take out your liver and mine isn't that high...
the only thing we are going to disagree on is how long I live...
he wants me to go into my 90s and beyond...
I have no desire to do that...
he thinks I am odd...
but that's ok...
Doug showed up this morning and is sleeping on the couch now for a couple of weeks...
he is in between apartments...
the other one's electric bill was almost $400 a month for a one bedroom...
it as all electric and not insulated at all...
got another one lined up, but needs to wait until Nov 1st...
we got some nut raking done after lunch...
and I took some photos, but too tired to edit them now...
need my nap, took some ibuprofen and hoping when I wake up...
I will be able to move...


  1. Tete, That's some good news from the dr. I do not blame you about the cholesterol meds...wish I had never gone on them. Hope your son get his new apartment and that it's cheaper than the other. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  2. We share a lot of the same thinking when it comes to doctors and medicine. I only take two and thinking of stopping them. One for thyroid and one blood pressure which I am thinking of stopping. Wonder how long he would tell me to live since I am already 86.

  3. Glad you like the new doc!!! Liking is so important. Our gut instinct is a good guide.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!