Saturday, October 17, 2015

there's going to be some fat squirrels around here this winter...

yes, there are...
spent yesterday afternoon picking up nuts...

my method?
my gopher and a bucket...
( gopher's are just under $10 at walmart )
worked pretty good...
but there is more out there to do today...

taking breaks looking at this...

its like an ocean of corn stubble...

we hid some nuts in the rail road ties...
we don't get rid of them...
we just move them out of the way of walking and the mower...

did you know lemon balm leaves turn red in the fall?

nuts in the island...
the island is done...
need to finish the tree out back and then the one in front on the edge of the driveway and walkway...

got to make a grocery run this morning...
going for hamburger and a pork roast...
tonight is the Sr Center's Lasagna Supper...
so doing that...
its their yearly fund raiser and its awesome...
they also have a  silent auction that goes along with it...
having trouble grasping the concept that its Saturday...
feels like a Tuesday to me...
I can say now that harvest is slowing down some now...
won't be long until its over...
and we will have survived another year...

we are to frost tonight...
hope so...
I want fall leaves...
and if they don't start coming down faster than they have been...
we will be raking the yard until Thanksgiving to get it all done!
2 days of cool and then back to the 70s...
Indian Summer!
I heard yesterday that some of our Canadian bloggers had snow...
they can keep that stuff...
need to get moving...
shower, dressed, make up...
you know the drill...
have a blessed day...


  1. Tete, Michigan had snow...dang, that's too close. LOL. It seems to me you just had blogged about how the island area of your yard was shaping up...where did our glorious spring and summer go girl?? All too soon, we'll be shoveling snow...zzzzzzz..I will have to hibernate. Blessings for a fun weekend with your men folks. xoxo,Susie

  2. The squirrels will surely enjoy those nuts. - I love your corn field shots. I say (no to snow) myself. It's still in the 70's here so I'm enjoying it while it last.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!