Friday, December 18, 2015

are you ready?

a new guy that I found earlier this month...
I like silly mooses...

got the shopping all done now...
and the wrapping, I think...
well, maybe not...

I am the type to shop all year long...
then forget what I bought and where I hid it...
its all good...
I just don't have to shop for valentines, easter or birthdays...

been having a dandy time with fluid in my ears this week...
gagging and all the fun that goes with that...
called off the dentist- going in January now...

but I finally feel human again today...
not doing a whole lot...
finishing up the toy drive...
added another one...
but we are caught up for now..
I can't believe its next week!
I hate when its over...
I like all the days before it comes...
when people care about each other...
there's a feeling in the air...
like God is so close...
all the time...
anywhere you go...
I like this time of the year...
and its not about the presents...
I would be fine if I got nothing for Christmas...
the important part for me is what I give away...
are you ready?
for Christmas?


  1. Tete, You have made some wonderful kids happy.. I know there are parents who could do much better by their children...but for the ones who can't help it, your groups ' good deeds are a true blessing. I remember the Salvation Army bringing toys to our house was nice to be thought about and made to feel like someone cared. Blessings to you, hope you are well thru the holidays...time to take care of Tete. xoxo,Susie

  2. I put things in the basement and forget about them too! Sometimes I don't find them for a yr or 2 and I will be like "oh yes I remember that now!". Congratulations again on another successful toy drive. God Bless you for doing that.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!