Monday, December 14, 2015

Merry CHRISTmas!

what a weekend!
caught some elves goofing off right before we opened the doors Saturday...
the scatter when you yell, "GROUP PICTURE!"

this is how this area started out...
there were tubs full of hats, gloves, socks, coloring books and crayons, books, stocking stuffers and stuffed critters...
we hung the candy canes on the totes...
each child got a stuff critter, a hat, pair of gloves or mittens, a coloring book and crayons, 3 pairs of socks, a book and 3 stocking stuffers...

 this was after the first day...
most of the people come on the first day...

this is another after shot of the first day...

one scary santa there...
that's good old DH...
old being the key word today...
he does have a neck under that chin somewhere...
I remember seeing it back in the 80s...

and this the after the party was all over and the elves were leaving the building...
we bagged toys for Santa's sleigh ( the real one) for 54 kids in our area...
it was awesome...
there were 12 of us elves each day and with so many hands...
it wasn't so hard on anyone and I know they all walked away blessed for being there...
and the parents were so grateful...
and on Christmas morning, there will be 54 kids who will not know how hard their parents are struggling to keep things going...
because under their trees...
will be all kinds of wonderful things...
that the economy couldn't touch...

I already had a call this morning for another one...
that will make 55...
and counting...
we will deliver until the 24th...

I am a tired elf...
doing the laundry and stuff today that didn't get done over the weekend...
almost finished with that...
cleaning up and putting things away...
looks much better in here...
and I am heading for a nap while I can still get one in...

dentist is on Wednesday and more shopping...
need a few things for this last one...
and I need to finish mine...
a trip through the park to look at the lights and burger king...
not sure if I will be able to do a whopper...
(I have run those through my salad shooter before)
but I can do a milkshake for sure!

Hope your weekend was wonderful and that you had fun...
we were in the 60s...
its been a great winter so far!
but warm...


  1. Tete, God bless you wonderful elves. You just make me want to cry...I know that feeling of can be sad. Blessings to you and all the helpers. xoxo,Susie

  2. Hi Tete, What a wonderful blessing to all those kids!! You and the other elves truly gave a great gift of yourselves to ensure those kidos have Christmas. God has a special place in heaven for you all. Loved the pics. Blessings to you and yours this holiday.

  3. Good morning Tete! What a wonderful event for the children of your community! God bless you and the rest of the elves! It's been muddy and cloudy up here too, but I'm not complaining! As long as there's NO snow, I can still go on my lunchtime walks. Don't know why, but I haven't been much into Christmas this year. I haven't even put my tree up......The holidays just came way too fast this year. Have a wonderful day!


  4. You have blessed so many with your generosity. Merry Christmas to you and yours!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!