Sunday, January 3, 2016

and we're off...

into a brand new year...

a year that can be anything we chose to make it...

its time to pick a word for the year, too...

and I am not sure about it this year...

but I think I will go with hope...


that there is still hope for me yet...
that there is hope for this world...
that hope will keep us moving forward...
with a better plan...

we rocked our new year's in on gravel roads and the oldies playing...
and taking photos and just enjoying the way God makes things..
He does such an awesome job...


  1. Tete, I have been missing you. I hope...I guess I use that word a whole lot...So I must be one who hopes. ...I hope you are doing well and feeling good. Hope your son got his apartment. Wishing you and your fellow a great new year. My word for this year is de-clutter...please pray for me girl.I am not so good at decluttering but I am sure going to try. My word last year was study and I did very well. Hugs to you my friend, xoxo,Susie

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Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!