Monday, January 4, 2016

did ya ever wonder?

the story that happened under a roof?

how many it took to build that and how long?
way back when...

or how many butts have sat on those old steps?

how many fires in the stove to cook or heat the home?

what the crickets sounded like coming through those windows on a hot summer night?

how many years did that old roof protect its family inside?

or how loved this old place once was?
still is...

who planted the yucca?
or laid the stone in place?

so many stories...

how many bedtime prayers?
how many dreams?

I have been told that the ones who lived here...
were a couple named...
Everett and Lily...
and that later in life, they moved to town...
and every now and then, they ventured back...
and just sat on the front porch in the evenings...
watching the old pick ups drive by...
waving at old neighbors...
generations later...
she still stands...
to remind all of those gone on...
of days of hard work...

I hope you have a wonderful Monday...
and take just a moment to wave back at your grandparents and great grandparents...
I'll bet there are old front porches in Heaven...


  1. Happy New Year Tete, Love this beautiful and thought provoking post. Yes I do wonder and think back to my grandparent's porch and my own porch growing up often. We can go back in our memories!!
    Have a great week! xo

  2. Happy New Year! I often wonder about the history of buildings in disrepair and also revisit the old houses of ours and our ancestors. My grandparent's house was totally modernised after they passed away by the builder that bought it. He let us look around afterwards which was a bit sad but when I went into the kitchen I told the builder that my Grandma would probably be haunting the house now as she dreamt of such a kitchen :D

    Have a wonderful week xx

  3. Wishing you a very blessed New Year! Love this post- your writing fits the photos perfectly!

  4. Tete, I would rather see a county or city take position of a home as to see it get in this state. There's one down on the corner about a mile and a quarter from us. It once was a decent farm. Now it a falling down house and someone uses the out building...the person that farm around it. There should be ways something could be done. I just think it's a waste of a well built home. Hope you and your fellows are doing well. I miss some of our blogging friends. Blessings to you, xoxo,Susie

  5. Tete, I type out a long comment sent it and checked it did not send. I'll try this little comment. Bless you, xoxo,Susie

  6. Beautiful work, as always.
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Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!