Friday, January 8, 2016

are ya wondering where I've been?

well, it hasn't been here for a long while now...
but we did get the oldest son moved out this week...

and its going to take some time to get this back into shape...
but, I have spent an evening in there now...
and really have missed my own space...

been sorting through some old photos...

and I have a couple of brand new (at least 4 years old now) scrap books that I want to use...

so I am thinking that can be my winter project...

as I reclaim this for me again...

and I can start planning the work outside for spring...

while they forecast 2"-4" of snow for this weekend...

and we need to get the Christmas stuff down...
I know...

but we wanted to get the kid out first...

cuz the totes are in that closet...

and that needs to be stored away first before I start moving things around in there...

because the futon is gone and I have gained space...
but not for long...
have plenty to fill it up with...
ya know how it goes...

 I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon in Paris...
I have been having some major shoulder pain...
for the past few weeks...
and there are a couple of lumps there...
so going to go get it checked, probably x-rayed and some new muscle relaxers for sure...
mine are over 2 years old and are just not working anymore...
so making the old man stop and get me a whopper for supper and we are stopping at Kroger...
for sure...
unless they throw my sorry butt in the hospital...
then I will have pizza delivered...

even though  its a very nice hospital...
its the last place I want to spend my weekend...

for those of you yet to do yours...
happy grocery shopping!
and shoveling...
and sliding...
let the winter games begin...


  1. Tete, I usually don't wish sore muscles on anyone...but I am hoping that is what is wrong with your shoulder. I know you love you big kid being on his own again. Good for you helping him out. Then reclaiming your space. I have a list of things to do about a mile long now. Bummer. We are to get that snow I think. Blessings to you and well wishes. xoxo,Susie

  2. Hi, Tete! Happy New Year! Around here, the grocery stores are mobbed at the very mention of flurries!:-) We have snow so seldom. Hope all is going well with that shoulder! xo Nellie

  3. hope your doctor visit went well and nothing serious to contend with, yep, muscle relaxers a good. I see you have some scrapbooks to catch up on. I started one when my son was born, he's almost 40 now and it's not done. Started another for my daughter's wedding and she's been married for 8years. just don't seem to be able to finish anything anymore! take care.

  4. Hi Tete, hope your shoulder is just soreness from bursitis or something and no hospital stays for you this weekend. Looks like you have great plans as you reclaim your creative space. Love all your pics and plans for the spring. Seems far off at the moment as we are so cold today and windy. No snow, but freezer style weather for us!!!
    Have a good weekend. Celeste xo

  5. Fun to pop in here to see your blog, Tete. Been a while since I went blog hopping. Those are some really great photos!!!! xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!