Tuesday, February 2, 2016

he saw his shadow...

I don't have an image of a groundhog, but I did shoot a beaver last weekend...
do you see him?

a baby one...

so, now they say spring will be early...
and Easter is in March this year...

you won't hear me complain one bit if that happens...

cloudy with rain today here on the prairie...

but still warm...

the biggest news from yesterday is that we have 4 new babies...
and she had some problems, but all 5 are doing just fine now...
I  will shoot them later today...
and post on them tomorrow...
so that means you have to come back...
if you want to see them...

have good days, whatever you have going on...
and if its not going the way you want it to...
don't give up...
better days are coming...
they just can't all be good days...
hold on, stay the course...
and it will pay off...
the greatest accomplishments don't happen overnight...
but they do happen...
and while you are on your way to the big thing...
SEE the little things...
because they add up...
to the big one...


  1. Tete, I think you have about the same weather we get..I just hope that snow goes way north of us...But we could have storms. I do not like heavy rain in winter...it can make for flooding. Sounds like you have a house full of babies. Cats?? Are you working on what you are going to be painting this spring. I may put another coat of color on my porch things. LOL. they should be getting pretty heavy by now. Blessings to you, xoxo,Susie

  2. Hi Tete, Wonderful and inspiring words my friend. Hold on and stay the course....n So very true.

    We've had mild weather lately but not counting the rest of Feb. out just yet. My hubby thinks we are in for an early spring. Hope so. Saw the babies on FB. So so cute.
    Have a great rest of the week. xo


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!