Wednesday, February 3, 2016

baby photo shoot...

these were born yesterday afternoon...
when I was at my sickest...

and even with a few problems here and there...

everything is normal now and mama is doing a good job taking care of them...

they weren't very happy with the photo shoot...

and when they voiced their opinion of the whole thing...

and rather loudly, I might add...

mama got her panties in a wad...

and snatched them back...
she was not happy about it at all...
that's a first for me...
mama's are usually grateful for a mini break...

I need prayers for Craig...
he came home an hour early last night so sick...
he's been juiced, fed and pilled...
and now he's back in bed...

he caught this really nasty head cold thing going around at work...
they have been dropping like flies the last 10 days or so...
and now its his turn...
praying we don't end up with it, too...
he looks miserable...
have good days!


  1. Oh how sweet the little kitties are. Lovely photos you captured. So sorry to hear Craig is sick. My son had pneumonia and was so very sick too. Doctor appts. and lots of meds later, he is just now getting back to normal. Get well wishes sent. Have a great rest of the week. xo

  2. Tete, I loved your pile of kitties, all cute and soft. I will pray for your son and you guys too. It's sad when we do everything we can to stay well and still can get sick. I have avoided hugging friends if I see them out, wash my hands as soon as we get in the car then again when we get home. Take care. You know , that snow missed us and we did not have a ton of rain like we thought either. Happy day. It's colder now and the wind is fierce....but the sun was out earlier. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  3. Hi Tete! Those babies are so precious. Nothing is more innocent and sweet then a newborn kitten! I hope the hubby and yourself get well soon!


  4. Sorry Craig is not feeling well, hope he wakes up feeling better. I wondered when u would have kittens again. Someday I may have to get one from you. When Boots died that was the first time in 35 years I did not have a cat. Still think i need to buy liter when I go grocery shopping!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!