Tuesday, February 16, 2016

here comes spring...

while this is what we had this weekend here...
and roads were really bad, we were told to stay home...
if you didn't have to get out...

so, I had fun with these girls...
all girl babies this time...

eyes are open and they are starting to wander around...
this one has her forever home waiting on her...
and hoping another one, too...
they wanted a boy...
but maybe they will take 2 girls...

Charlie is a good babysitter...
he keeps an eye on them...

I had a wonderful day Saturday...
felt really good...
but yesterday was terrible...

everything was flaring at the same time and the pain levels were high...
finally figured a couple of things out mid evening...
I was dehydrated...
which made the fibro worse...
or the fibro made that worse...
started chugging fluids...
and the more I drank, the less I hurt...
grabbed a banana...
and the spasms were gone in a couple of hours...
by bedtime, I was ready to go!

Craig and I are still making snot...
just not as much...
and still coughing...
but not as much...
so hoping by the time the 60s hit here later this week...
(remember the title of the post...)
I am up and moving...

Hope your Valentine weekend went well...
and that you got lots of chocolate...
I got that twin iron bed for the deck, so had to get my own chocolate...
(Craig worked yesterday, so hit the clearance stuff on his way out last night...)
I am now fully stocked until Easter!


  1. These kittens are the cutest ever and I am glad you figured out you needed to drink liquids. Be well soon and over that coughing.

  2. Hi Tete, oh the kitties are so sweet. I love the photo with your little dog Charlie looking on watching over the girls. Too special. Glad you are feeling better and realized you were dehydrated. It really makes a difference doesn't it?
    Sorry your cold is hanging on. Hope you two feel better soon!!
    Think Spring!! Blessings xo

  3. Brrrr...on that snow. I'd stay in too.
    Oh my gosh the kittens are too adorable. The one that's adopted would have been my pick as well.
    Stay warm & feel better soon.

  4. Tete, We are to have some warm weather too. maybe as high as 60 degrees. Unreal. I am thankful we have had less snow this winter...but crazy temperatures. I like that the dog is kittie cat sitting. Now you will have to remember when you start feeling badly...to drink lots and eat bananas. Blessings to you, xoxo,Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!