Wednesday, February 10, 2016

golly gee...

its been a week since my last post...

I have been in a Nyquil coma for about the last week...

it seems that whatever Craig has, I have, too...
just a head and chest cold thingy bug...

without the Nyquil, I cough, sneeze and blow my nose constantly...
with it...

well, pretty much sleep the time away...
when I am up, I cannot function...
but its more comfortable...
and we have gotten some snow and colder days, too...
my guy has taken me for a ride a couple of times after work to get me out of the house...
10-15 minutes is enough for me...
and the van is already warmed up and ready to go...
so I am not getting chilled getting out...

everything here has been about the same...
the babies are opening their eyes now...

I do need prayers for a friend who might have had a stroke this morning...
her name is Carol and such a sweet, wonderful person...
they transferred her to another hospital and they have started their tests to see what's going on...
she is a bit older, so it could be anything...
healthy as can be up until now...

hope you are all well and enjoying this lovely weather...


  1. Hi Tete, I so hope you feel better soon. There is so much crud going around. My son is still getting over pneumonia and says he also blows his nose constantly which makes it hard at work!! But the coughing is better after so many weeks.
    Prayers for Carol. I hope the tests show something treatable with a prompt recovery.
    Wonderful photos as always. Take good care and prayers for you too. Blessings xo

  2. Tete, I am going to pray for you and your friend Carol. I wish you the best. You have not had a very good week. Try your best to get well. Spring is getting closer...but we may not feel that way for about a week. Blessings, xoxo,Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!