Saturday, March 19, 2016

happy weekend!

spring has been put on hold here...

just for a couple of days...

its still not snowing or anything crazy like that...

but it sure cooled down...
get the weekend out of the way and then we will warm up again...
DH is hitting the yard but I have orders to stay in...
and not get sick again...
I really didn't want to freeze my tush off anyway...
plenty to do in here...

I still don't have any pansies...
but that could happen soon, too...

so have great weekends and I hope you are warmer than we are...
not quite time to pack up the winter clothes just yet...
but its getting there!

1 comment:

  1. Tete, That 's stay in and get well. You've had a rough winter health wise. It's getting green there. Yesterday was a wonderful day here as far as temps and clear skies through out the day. I did finish up my flowerbeds. Cleaning out all the lily streamers that were so easy to pull out. It was the corn crap from the fields that was twisted into every nook and cranny wrapped around stalks and bushes. Yikes. But the yard is good to go and the lawn man(a new one this year) is paid and will be coming soon. We have some patches of nimblewill ...that will take a pro to wipe out. Blast, I knew I should have dug that out last year. I am so ready to see all the pretty things you will put in your island spot. Plus your new garden area you made last year. Don't over do honey, the fellows can helps some. :):) Blessings, xoxo, Susie
    p.s. no snow yet but it's coming thru here.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!