Monday, March 21, 2016

if only...

the temperature matched the view...
we were stuck with both days in the low 40s...
for highs...

and yesterday morning, there was a bit of sun and blue skies peeking through...
but that ended pretty fast...

people were mowing like crazy, but we can go another week or so...

we did get 2 more beds raked out...
but this isn't one of them...

DH went to a card party for his aunt...
she turned 90...
and I stayed home...
he even did the shopping while he was in town...

I was afraid I might give her something...
still fighting stuff here and hoping its just allergies...

but just in case its not...
I do not want to be the one who causes her demise...

so Saturday was kind of messed up and not much was done outstide...
also, 2 of the babies left with their new family...

the other 2 are just waiting to go...
and already have another queen to deliver...
and one of those is already taken...

that will the last batch until we can get caught up here...
still have the kitchen to finish that we started last fall...

the beds are filling in nicely...

some of these are open this morning now...
I am going to bring a few in and put on the kitchen table...
they just make me smile...

DH is going to work a little every evening on the yard...
he burnt yesterday and raked a section of corn stalks to the field...
there is much more to rake up...
need to get it out of there so we can mow...
need to work on the easter bags this week, too...
have had the stuff for awhile...
but need to put it together...

I don't think my kids will ever be too old to get an easter basket...
have good Mondays!
if that's possible...


  1. Tete, So many things budding out there. I love it. I brought my pansies in , it frosted last night. They are smiling inside. :):) Ted and the neighbor fellow burned our yard rubbish today early. No wind and that is perfect. Emma slept in and just now ate some French toast...that girl is a finicky eater over no crust. LOL. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  2. Beautiful! I love spring.. it is my favorite.. looking forward to seeing all of my flowers bloom.. have a great Easter.

  3. I am jealous- it is looking like Spring at your house, Tete. We have 12" of snow coming here in the next 24 hours. xo Diana

  4. Not sure where my comment went to. Loving Spring at your place! xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!