Sunday, March 13, 2016


an old, old friend of mine passed away this morning...
during the mid morning rain...
news came after the sun had come out and the most magnificent rainbow appeared...

I met this woman many years ago...
at work...
when I started, they put me right across from her...
we were much younger then...
and she was the sweetest soul...
and funnier than Bob Hope...

when lunch time came...
she grabbed ahold of me and told me she would show me the ropes...
we always sat at the same table for 2, up against the wall...
and she pretty much ate the same thing every day...
sausage on a biscuit...
her favorite thing...
and we would talk the lunch time away...
and we took our breaks there, too...
just us...

she was one of those friends of mine...
and when it happens you know...
we just clicked instantly...
one you always keep in your heart the rest of your life...
no matter how long its been since you last seen them...
25+ years she has been tucked inside of me...
and I always thought we would have more time...
time to get together and sit down and have one of our talks...
like the old days...
catch up on this and that...
but we didn't...
she fell in her home last week...
and her brother in law was one of the first responders...
she couldn't make sense of things and had no clue what was happening...
they transported her and she got worse...
ending up on a vent and life support...
and daily, they tried to take her off the vent...
but her blood pressure would go up and her oxygen level dropped...
one last cat scan said it was time to turn off the machines...
so they did at the end of the week and waited...
for the angels to come and show her the way home...
(cause she kind of gets side tracked)
but that's Marci...
she was an amazing person...
and in leaving, she taught me one of the most important lessons in my life...
DON'T WAIT for the right moment...
take the time now...
to say what you need to say...
to visit someone you miss...
I have buried a lot of family and people that I have known...
but I have never, ever buried a friend before...
I honestly thought we had more time...
and we will over there...
under a tree somewhere...
eating sausage biscuits...
I just regret not doing it here...
God speed, dear friend...


  1. Dear Tete, I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. I know your heart is broken. How special to have a friend like this to hold in your heart forever.
    What a precious gift from God. I pray your heart is comforted over the days that follow and you reflect back on the special times spent with Marci. Your post is a moving and lovely tribute. Sending prayers and hugs your way sweet friend. Love to you!

  2. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. The words you spoke are so true. One never knows when someone you love will be taken from this earth. It's important to stay in touch with friends and family and to let them know how important they are to us. I hope you will be comforted by the wonderful memories you have of your dear friend. God Bless.

  3. I an so sorry Terri. I know how you feel. If you need to talk more you know where I am


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!