Tuesday, March 15, 2016

rainy days are here again...

feels like spring, looks like spring...

the lilac in front of the shed is leafing out...

day lilies are getting bigger...

daffodils are almost blooming...

and the crocus are still going...

the field behind us...
a river of cornstalks runs through it...

part of our back yard...
we have to get those raked up...

red maple...
with a fly...

another patch of crocus...

rain and fog is the thing this week...
storms maybe today...

ready for some sun and a little wind to dry this all up...
so we can get back to working in the yard again...

been cleaning inside, as I can...
doing a little bit better now...
not completely back to normal, but it takes time for me...

we are going between having the furnace on to the central air...
its hovering around 60 here, even into the night...

add a hot flash in there, and well, you know there is not much sleeping through that...
up and down, so nappin' is a must...

typical spring-like activity going on here...
looking for the bloom or leaf coming out...
enjoying not wearing a ton of clothes...
thinking about shaving my legs...
not got to it yet, but...
I am in my flip flops in the house...

thinking about buying the garden veggie seeds...
maybe we can hit Paris this weekend...
so ready to think about all the things we are going to be doing soon...

things will change so much week to week now...
until the leaves are out on the trees and the grass is being mowed weekly again...
hope your day is wonderful!


  1. Tete, I hate that corn crap , don't you. I wish the fellow across the road would till his stalks under...but he does drill beans so he leaves it. I would think once the debris in tilled in the ground it would add nutrients. That's what farmers used to do. Your lilies are taller than ours, I found more popping thru the soil yesterday. I also saw some maple bods on the road into town. you know when they falloff because a leaf is growing. I love seeing that. Blessings, go slowly, don't over do. xoxo,Susie

  2. Hi Tete! Glad to here you're feeling better! Keep it up! I love the blooms popping up! Just a little bit of green here and there by me. It was gorgeous outside when I took my afternoon walk today. I'm hoping I can do a few things around the yard when I get home from work. Keeping my fingers crossed!

  3. Your spring is a bit behind ours (crocus have long bloomed here) but it's still very pretty and I enjoyed seeing your spring photos very much.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!