Sunday, April 24, 2016

another wonderful day here...

this morning, after I got my shoes and socks on...
I headed out here while DH worked on cleaning out the shed...

got a couple of areas cleaned up today...

and I had some help...

I had every intention of getting rid of these "weeds"...
but a closer look and I found columbine...
so I am leaving it all for a couple more weeks to see what is what...

the ferns on this side of the house face the sun and are up and about already...
the other side is just starting...

I love watching them uncurl...

so since I didn't have as much weeding as I thought I was going to have...
I jut took photos instead...

and I put my chicken and rooster out...
because I want real ones...
and DH says no or divorce...
its him or them...
so I have to settle for these guys...
so I can have chickens in my yard...

I bought this a couple of weekends ago...
so got it potted, too...

it was just nice to be outside...
high of 79...

and the booby trapped hook for the bird feeder...
might not be the fanciest looking thing...
but it is working...
not one bird seed stealing squirrel around now...
amazing what you can do with a cracker box lid and some zip ties...

so, our weekend turned out fun...
except for the afternoons when my pinched nerve made me so sick and sent me to bed...
but its all ok now...
just have to get toughened up again...
been down too long...

so what did you do?


  1. glad you enjoyed your day dear. sorry about your back

  2. Joyful time at church, then a bit of gardening. I have a new garden toy, my 3 level cedar planter, the plants in it already look green and thriving.

  3. Tete, So Sorry you have that pinched nerve. You did get a lot done in your yard. I love your new chickens. We had some wonderful weather too. Now the rains are headed our way for the next 3 days. Hope it isn't much. Take care of yourself. Blessings, xoxo, Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!