Sunday, April 24, 2016

the perfect kind of day...

we played outside quite a bit...
lilacs are starting to open...

soon, there will be this sweet smell floating through the air...



we cut this back to nothing last fall and replaced a very small trellis with this very sturdy baker's rake that we found at a garage sale for hardly nothing...
its half way up on it this spring...
in a few more years...
it will be spilling over...

things just went pop after our mid week thunderstorms...

the ferns just uncurled over night...

lily of the valley have more flowers on them...

DH and I went to the farm store here in town...
bought my seeds and some grass seed...
I got the green beans all planted in the containers...
they are in front of the house this year...
easier for me to get to on even bad days...
will be easy to pick from my chair...

DH and I mowed the south yard and around the house yesterday morning...
mower guy came in the afternoon...
we are in the midst of the worst dandelion season this area has ever seen!
every yard, almost, looks like this or worse...

my yellow knock out rose is doing wonderfully this spring...

and pretty dern soon we are going to have us some shade!
it just keeps getting greener all the time...
now this is what I have been waiting for...

have a wonderful day!

Susie asked for my weed spray recipe...
so this is for those small sprayers that you pump up...
half water, half vinegar...
a half cup of salt...
and throw in some liquid soap of  your choice...
(dish, laundry- doesn't matter)
it just helps it cling on the weeds instead of running right off...

spray after the rain has stopped and you have a few days without it...
spray all the leaves good...
let the sun hit it and they will turn brown in no time...
this is good to use around children, pets and food gardens...
nothing will hurt you...


  1. such lush green and beautiful blooms, we are sooooo far behind you ,, its a joy t come here to see all this,
    thats a great recipe too!!

  2. Tete, Thank you for the recipe. I am going to try this. I usually pour boiling water on them...LOL. That really works . It's looking pretty at your house. I love your roses. aren't you happy to be able to get outside. I have been loving my spring...well you know other than that ant episode. LOL. Blessings for a great new week ahead. xoxo, Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!